Case Genie or How to Find Unknown Unknowns

It was Paul Magrath, Head of Product Development and Online Content at ICLR, who first used the late Donald Rumsfeld’s phrase to describe the business case for what later became known as Case Genie.

The idea was simple. Lawyers needed to discover historical cases that might impact a case they were preparing. Frequently-cited cases would already be known to them: they’d be at the tips of their fingers, ready to type into their skeleton argument; cases known to every barrister specialising in the field they were arguing; cases that had been cited many times both by other cases and in text books; or cases that had recently changed how the law should be interpreted, and were therefore big news within a narrowly-focused legal community.

But there may be some cases that are relatively unknown that might make all the difference. Enter Case Genie.

This blog post presents a technical overview of Case Genie. How, exactly, is it possible to find “unknown unknowns”?

Word embeddings

Document embeddings are considered the state-of-the-art way of finding similarities between documents. But before document embeddings come word embeddings. A good way to start to think about word embeddings, is to think about words in a document. Let’s take Milton’s Areopagitica as an example. This single work is our corpus (the body of text we’re interested in). Let’s take a single sentence from Milton’s Areopagitica:

Many a man lives a burden to the Earth; but a good Book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life.

Now, if we take each distinct word, we can give it a score based on how often it occurs in the text:

  many  — 1
  a     — 5
  man   — 1
  lives — 1

Now imagine graphing three of these words. I’m choosing three because this is easy to visualise, but rather than take the first three words in the sentence, let’s take the following:

  a         — 5
  life      — 3
  treasured — 1

Imagine these graphed across the x, y and z axes: ‘a’ has the value 5 on the x axis; ‘life’ has the value 3 on the y axis; and ‘treasured’ has the value 1 on the z axis. Further, imagine that for each value, there is an arrow from the origin to the point along each axis, so that we have 3 arrows of different lengths pointing in different directions. Now, in mathematics a value with a direction is called a vector, so we can say that each distinct word within a corpus can be represented as a vector; and within a document, a vector’s value is the number of occurrences of the word within that document.

Three dimensions aren’t too hard to visualise. Extrapolating, we can add further axes, which is much harder to visualise; as many axes as there are distinct words. Each distinct word in the corpus will therefore be represented by a vector.

Of course, that’s just one sentence and there are many in Areopagitica. The full vector space is defined by the number of unique words in the corpus, let’s suppose there are 2,000 in Areopagitica. Initially this will sound confusing, but the word embedding for a given word is made up of a value for every vector in the vector space, which is the same as saying a value for every word. For each distinct word, its word embedding will therefore comprise 1,999 zero values and one non-zero value — 1. If we order the distinct words alphabetically, we can represent an embedding as an implicitly ordered array of numbers. Therefore, for each word embedding, the non-zero value will be in a different place; ‘a’ would be:

  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 …

whereas ‘and’ would be:

  0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 …

This is crazily sparse; the cleverness comes when using AI to use all that empty space more wisely.

Algorithms like word2vec and fastText (there are other algorithms, but these are the two we looked at for ICLR) provide a more compact representation of word embeddings. Whereas with Areopagitica, using the algorithm I described above, we would need 2,000 values (dimensions) for each word, word2vec and fastText can use a few hundred dimensions. You can download a 300-dimensional model from the fastText website trained on 2 million words from Wikipedia. Word embeddings actually use floating point numbers, so the word ‘a’ in the fastText model we trained for ICLR starts:

  -0.20005 -0.019533 -0.15494 -0.11114 0.074793 0.1194 -0.046101 …

The model for ICLR has 600 dimensions, so there are 600 numbers for each word embedding.

Exactly how word2vec and fastText create these word vectors is outside the scope of this blog post. Essentially, you start by training a model from the corpus, which you feed to the tool. The corpus and the training algorithms define relationships between words or character combinations. The corpus used to train the model therefore determines how the words’ relationships are actually represented in the model. If you train with a French corpus, you will get good results when calculating document embeddings for French text; but you would get bad results if you presented English text. In the same vein, if you train a model using legal documents, you will get a model that is more sensitive to legal meanings and definitions.

So, if we were to use Areopagitica as our corpus, we would have a model trained to recognise only uses of the words as used in Areopagitica. We could calculate sentence embeddings (which we could treat like document embeddings) for every sentence in Areopagitica to determine which sentences were most similar. However, the results would likely be quite poor. The reason for this is that the corpus is too small. Ideally, you need a lot of words, the more the better. For ICLR, we used all of the judgment transcripts and Case Reports contained in as our corpus. This represents around 200,000 documents; about 600,000,000 words.

But what are document embeddings, and how do you create them?

Document embeddings

Once you have word embeddings, you will want to create document embeddings. To create a document embedding, take all the word embeddings of the document and use cosine similarity to combine the dimensions into a single representation with the same number of dimensions.

Cosine similarity combines two vectors by calculating the cosine of the angle between them and multiplying by the length of the side not participating in the cosine calculation.

Cosine similarity is a nice way to explain it visually, but there is an algebraic isomorphism using dot products of normalised vectors.

This algorithm combines word embeddings into document embeddings:

  1. Create an empty embedding (where all values are 0) called A. This is our aggregate.
  2. For each word embedding, w:
    1. normalise w;
    2. for each value in A, add the corresponding value in w (add the first number in A to the first number in w, the second number in A to the second number in w, and so on).
  3. Divide each value in A by the number of words used to calculate it.

To normalise a word embedding, take the square root of the sum of each value’s square (let’s call it n); then divide each value in the embedding by n.

This is the implementation used by fastText. However we have tweaked the algorithm to make use of tf–idf. tf–idf weights words that are considered important. A word is considered important if its frequency within the corpus is low compared to its frequency within a document. Since words like ‘a’ occur throughout the corpus, it is weighted low; whereas a word like ‘theft’ will be weighted higher, because it occurs only in a subset of documents within the corpus.

Calculating the distance between document embeddings

The final puzzle piece is to quantify how similar documents are based on their document embeddings. The distance between two documents is used as an indication of how similar they are. Documents that are close together are more similar than those that are further away.

To calculate the distance between two document embeddings, Cosine Similarity can be used again. This time, the vectors of the document embeddings are collapsed to a single value between 0 and 1. Identical documents have the value 1, completely orthogonal documents have the value 0.

We use a library called Faiss, created by Facebook Research, to store and query document embeddings. This is very fast, and you can query multiple input embeddings simultaneously.

And finally…

This post describes some of the major components used in Case Genie and delves a little into the concepts and some of the algorithms; but there is a lot more that I don’t have time to cover: specifically, how do we prepare the text of the corpus for training the model? I will cover that in another post.

Understanding an “impossible” error

As discussed in the previous post on Sharing Failures, seeing how other people have dealt with bugs and errors can often help you avoid your own or give you ways to track down the source of a problem when one does make its appearance. So in that spirit, here is the story of a baffling error we fixed recently.

The error came from a content delivery platform we have been working on for a publisher client. At the point of a release and for several hours after we were seeing some errors, but there were a few reasons why this was very confusing.

The site is built using Scala / Play and uses Akka HTTP to make API calls between services. The error we were seeing was one that generally means that requests are coming in to a frontend service faster than the backend can service them:

BufferOverflowException: Exceeded configured max-open-requests value of [256]. This means that the request queue of this pool (........) has completely filled up because the pool currently does not process requests fast enough to handle the incoming request load. Please retry the request later. See for more information.]]

So apparently the pool of requests was filling up and causing a problem. But the first thing that was strange was that this was persisting for several hours after the release. At the point of a release it’s understandable that this error could occur with various services being started and stopped, causing requests to back up. After that the system was not under particularly high load, so why was this not just a transient issue?

The next thing that was strange was that we were only seeing this when users were accessing very particular content. We were only seeing it for access to content in reference works. These are what publishers confusingly call “databases” and cover things like encyclopedias, directories or dictionaries. But it wasn’t all databases, only certain ones and different ones at different times. On one occasion we would see a stream of errors for Encyclopedia A and then the next time we hit this error it would be Dictionary B generating the problems instead. If the cause was a pool of requests filling up, why would it affect particular pieces of content and not others, when they all use the same APIs?

Another thing that was puzzling – not every access to that database would generate an error. We’d either get an error or the content would be rendered fine, both very quickly. The error we were seeing suggested that things were running slowly somewhere, but the site seemed to be snappy, just producing intermittent errors for some content some of the time.

We spent lots of time reading Akka HTTP documentation trying to figure out how we could be seeing these problems, but it didn’t seem to make any sense. I had the feeling that I was missing something because the error seemed to be “impossible”. I even commented to a colleague that it felt like once we worked out what was going on I would talk about it at one of our dev forums. That prediction turned out to be true. Looking at Akka HTTP documentation would not help because the error message itself was in some sense a misdirection.

The lightbulb moment came when I spotted this code in our frontend code:

private lazy val databaseNameCache: LoadingCache[String, Future[DatabaseIdAndName]] = 
    CacheBuilder.newBuilder().refreshAfterWrite(4, TimeUnit.HOURS).....

We are using Guava’s LoadingCache to cache the mapping between the id of a database and its name since this almost never changes. (Sidenote: Guava’s cache support is great, also check out the Caffeine library inspired by it). The problem here is that we are not storing a DatabaseIdAndName object in the cache, but a Future. So we are in some sense putting the operation to fetch the database name into the cache. If that fails with an Exception, then every time we look in the cache for it we will replay the exception. Suddenly all the pieces fell into place. A transient error looking up a database name at release time was being put in a cache on one frontend server and replayed for hours. The whole akka pool thing was more or less irrelevant.

In the short term we fixed the problem by waiting for the concrete data to be returned to store that in the cache rather than a Future object. In that scenario, a failure to fetch the value would just yield an error and nothing would be cached for future look ups. However, much of the code using this cache is asynchronous, so it’s cleaner and probably better from a performance perspective if you can continue to use Future where possible. So the longer term solution was to revert to putting Future objects in the cache but carefully adding code to invalidate any cache entries that resolve to an exception.

I think the lesson here is – if an error doesn’t make sense then maybe some technical sleight-of-hand is going on and the error you are seeing is not the real problem. Maybe it’s all an illusion…

Women in Tech Festival Global 2021

If you have worked in the tech industry for some time, you are likely to have noticed the issue with diversity. Information Technology was probably thought of as a male domain, and we can see the consequences of such thinking on a global level now.

67 Bricks strives to be a diverse and inclusive workplace, and we continuously improve our D&I awareness and practices. That is why for the second year in a row we attended the Women in Tech Festival aimed to champion diversity and empower companies and individuals to be allies for underrepresented groups. I did a presentation titled “It’s good to give back” at the event, which I immensely enjoyed, because, as a woman in tech myself, the topic of diversity is very close to my heart, and I take great interest in it.

This blog post gives a summary of some sessions I attended virtually.

Opening Note

The event started with the opening note from the Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Lead of Investec, Zandi Nkhata. She spoke about reasons why women leave the tech industry: 

  • the lack of female role models.
  • experience of microaggressions – that is things people say to you that kind of remind you that you do not belong.  
  • the fact that your experience at a company might vary on whether or not you have an inclusive leader.

She also explained the difference between diversity and inclusion which I think is excellent: diversity is inviting someone to a party and inclusion is asking someone to dance. She also highlighted that only 20% of the workforce in the industry are women.

What can companies do to make their places diverse and inclusive? As an example, Investec’s vision is to make it a place where it is easy for people to be themselves, and to achieve that they set up different networks for people to speak up and listen to their feedback, provide learning and training opportunities about bullying, harassment and discrimination and have an allies programme.

Zandi also mentioned that it’s good to set KPIs with regards to diversity and inclusion, but they are not quotas, you have to be fair in achieving these targets.

Glass Ceiling or Sticky Floor

This panel discussion was about career progression – either knowing you’re probably the best candidate for a promotion yet not getting this promotion, or being capable enough but being obstructed by impostor syndrome, not having a career plan or a mentor.

The main point of the discussion was that a person finding themselves not progressing needs to ask themselves: “what is limiting my growth and what is in my control?”. You need to create a career plan and ensure you are in control. The importance of networking for women was highlighted, and events like Women in Tech is a great opportunity to do that. 

Another piece of advice was to focus on progress rather than perfection, and to learn to not be scared of asking questions even if you might think they are stupid (because they are not!).

Employers also have a duty to help with career progression. It is important to create career paths, understand them and enable employees to understand them as well, making it clear what is needed to get from A to B. It’s also vital to identify the strengths of each individual and know the exact purpose of each person in a team.

The panel also spoke about those who are in search of a new job and what question they might want to ask potential employers to decide about the suitability of a company for them; the suggestions were to look at the leadership gender balance and whether the company is doing any work regarding diversity and inclusion, among others.

Companies should not be scared to bring in people outside of the tech industry, reskill them and tap into their wealth of experience and transferable skills because the mixture of these experiences, strengths and insights can enable the team to grow.

How Old Are You?

This was about progressing in your career when you’re older. A lot of the focus here was on menopause awareness. This topic is still taboo, so safe spaces need to be created to make this conversation more visible, allowing people to speak about it without embarrassment. A lot of people still don’t know much about it even though their female relatives or friends might be experiencing menopause.

The speaker suggests that companies start with things like short talks about it in staff meetings. Some employers hold regular menopause cafes, others hold sessions on what to expect during this challenging time.  An emphasis was made on educating men (especially line managers) to feel comfortable about discussing menopause, and strategies for coping with it in all-male environments, which was mainly to push towards diversity and inclusion, having company policies around menopause and working together.

You Do Belong Here

This session was focused on combating impostor syndrome. This is typically associated with women (men do experience it too though) and the panellists shared useful tips that help them to overcome it:

  • Try to understand if it’s impostor syndrome or the culture that doesn’t let you grow. Some level of self-doubt is experienced by everyone.
  • Having a conversation about it helps combat it. It is the manager’s responsibility to create space where people can discuss it.
  • Some people use journaling. For example, you made a mistake, and 5 days later it’s still eating at you, and you still think about what you could have done. So to avoid that, by writing down what happened and what you could do next time, you get it out of your system.
  • Keep a list of your successes to read from time to time.
  • Refresh your CV and bio regularly as it allows you to focus on your achievements.
  • Educate yourself in neuroscience; humans are programmed to think negatively, and understanding this enables you to interpret your behaviour and thoughts.
  • Instead of changing yourself and trying to adopt a new personality type in certain situations to suit someone else, decide for yourself how you want to come across. However, beware if you go too far, If you’re not genuine, it’s not a sensible place to be. The best thing is to be your authentic self.

To sum up, thanks to this year and last year’s events I spoke to several inspiring females and got a bigger picture of what issues exist for women and LGBTQ+ communities in the tech industry, and what we can do to deal with them. I definitely learnt a lot from the Women in Tech Festival 2021. It was also great to realise that we, 67 Bricks, are doing all the right things to be as diverse and inclusive a workplace as we can. I look forward to sharing more of my learnings with my colleagues.

The First 67 Bricks Architectural Kata

On the 13th of October, 67 Bricks held its first Architectural Kata as an opportunity for developers to practice and experience architectural design. Ted Neward, the original creator of architectural katas, puts forward the argument for them quite succinctly:

  “So how are we supposed to get great architects, if

  they only get the chance to architect fewer than

  a half-dozen times in their career?”

Ted Neward

The kata exercise was quite simple to prepare for and run. Beforehand I picked a number of interesting katas from Neal Ford’s list, suitably anglicised them and prepared handouts for both online and in-person teams. Then on the day, it was a case of assigning everyone into teams and explaining the steps we’d be going through that day:

  1. Gather into teams and read through the assigned case study
  2. Discuss for the next 50 minutes and come up with an architecture, making sure to document any assumptions. Teams could ask me questions about the case study and I’d happily provide extra detail
  3. Each team would then take turns presenting their architecture to the other teams and fielding questions from them
  4. Finally a voting phase where everyone else gets the chance to show thumbs up/down/sideways to indicate how well they thought the presenting team did


As a technical consultancy, we are often involved in architectural design of systems we create or take part in creating. Each client is individual; they seek different opportunities, are subject to different constraints and have different technical strategies. It’s critical for 67 Bricks’ success to have skilled architects able to influence and design suitable systems. 

Though, how can we develop these skills? As Ted Neward identified, most only get a half-dozen tries at it over their career. While books, online courses and talks help, knowledge needs to be applied and feedback loops closed to truly improve. We’ve never tried an event like a Kata before and I was interested to see what we could learn from it.

Sharing ideas and learning from one another effectively can be a challenge for any organization and made all the harder thanks to COVID-19 prompting a rapid move to remote working. The exercise looked to provide a great opportunity for participants to meet and work with others they may not otherwise have the chance to.

Kata Afternoon

Initially I hoped to get some of the more experienced technical leads to kick off the afternoon by talking about how they architect systems. This proved difficult. Those who I spoke to either thought they didn’t know that much or didn’t feel like they could speak to an audience well about how to do architecture. As such these initial talks didn’t happen and raised a lot of questions around how to arm participants with enough knowhow to feel comfortable tackling the task. I fear this may have led to some teams struggling too much to learn and make effective progress.

Splitting teams took some thought, I wanted to be sure each team had a mix of experience and tried to aim for teams of individuals who haven’t worked together before. I’m glad I spent the time to do this, the Kata would not have had the same impact if everyone was in the same team they usually are (one of the Kata rules is to try and break up regular teams).

Running the actual Kata was reasonably straightforward, if a little awkward thanks to having to manage both online and an in-person group. Some online teams got stuck waiting for me to join their Zoom room to answer their questions. While the in-person group was easy to recognise if they needed a question answered or a nudge in the right direction. 

I tried to prepare some broader scope for each case study before the event in preparation for questions being asked, I quickly found myself having to improvise. I actually found this surprisingly fun. Some teams may have made things harder for themselves by asking too many detailed questions and trying to cover every single detail in their architecture.

The presentation phase had mixed results, some teams did a strong job and were able to present their ideas well, answer questions clearly and came up with really suitable architectures. Other teams struggled a bit more, both with coming up with a suitable architecture and being able to communicate it with everyone else.

Feedback and Lessons Learned

Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, lots of participants really enjoyed the experience. They liked working with different people and felt they learned a lot from one another about how they tackle this type of task.

I think aiming for mixed team compositions was good and allowed individuals to have interactions with colleagues they wouldn’t normally work with. I’ve had feedback a number of times that with the move to remote, developers felt a lot more insular in their teams and I hoped this gave a chance to break out of those groups.

Doing both in-person and remote teams did make running the Kata a little challenging. I felt that I couldn’t effectively keep an eye on all the teams making it tough to know when to nudge a team that may be getting a little stuck or provide an answer to a pressing question.

Next time I would look at including publishing consultants to act as clients. I perhaps enjoyed being a fickle client a little too much. Having a more dedicated individual to represent the client creates opportunities for encouraging more of a discussion, simulating something closer to the real world when we work with our clients. It would also make it easier to manage the event and our publishing consultants can gain some insight to the architecture process. 


Given the positive response, I would happily organise another Kata in the future. If you are thinking about running one for your own organisation, I would highly recommend it. It’s a great chance to meet and learn from other devs. I certainly learned a lot simply observing the various teams taking different approaches to their case studies and the variety of solutions they came up with.