Coding principles 7: Avoid “just in case” code

This is the 7th part of a series about 67 Bricks’s coding principles. The previous posts are: 12, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

The principle

Aim to write code for the present and for your knowledge of the near future, rather than on assumptions about what might happen

If any of these principles are to be taken in moderation and with pinches of salt, it’s this one, so let’s start with a caveat. I’m not saying “don’t plan ahead” or “don’t consider how the codebase might change over time”. However, it is important not to code based on guesses or assumptions. That is, not to code “just in case”.

That’s the general point, but let’s be more specific:

Don’t write code that you don’t know you need

The common adage here is YAGNI: You Aren’t Gonna Need It. It can be tempting to build a feature because it seems likely that it will be useful in the future. However, there are various downsides to this. The first is simply that we might be wrong, in which case we’ve spent time and effort on something that isn’t useful rather than on something that is. That non-useful code will still require maintenance and add to the overall size and complexity of the codebase unless or until the decision is made to remove it again, incurring more time and effort – what Martin Fowler calls the “cost of carry”.

Even if it does turn out to be a useful feature, building it before understanding the full requirements is risky. It’s likely we made incorrect assumptions that will still require correction later. Plus we spent that time building the unknown thing that could have been spent on something with a more immediate priority.

Don’t optimise code prematurely

Optimising code for speed or memory consumption or any other measure often comes with trade-offs in terms of readability and maintainability – not to mention that it takes development time. So heed the very common advice to avoid premature optimisation.

This isn’t to say code should never be optimised. If you have identified a performance problem in some part of an application, you absolutely should track down the source of the issue and improve it. But you should be sure there is a problem to fix first.

This also isn’t to say you should entirely disregard performance while writing code. There is a sensible middle ground between caring too much and too little about things like performance. A good general rule is that there are likely more important features of your code to care about in the first instance, like readability, maintainability and testability.

Don’t generalise code prematurely

Generalising code for reuse is an extremely important tool in the toolbox of creating a scalable and maintainable application. However, not all code needs to be reused. There can be a temptation to assume that a general and reusable solution is automatically the best one. But if you don’t know whether it will ever need to be reused, then it’s often better to stick to solving exactly and only the problem at hand.

As with optimisation, there are often trade-offs with generalising or genericising a class or function. Often it makes the code more abstract and harder to read or to reason about. It’s also easy to make incorrect assumptions about the right way to genericise or abstract code if you try to do it too early. After all, duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction.

One common adage around this is the Rule of three, which boils down to the advice that you should only try to make a reusable function if the need comes up three times. Before that you should just write code for the case or cases that you have.

This is an example where caveats abound. There are cases where the costs of reuse are low enough and the costs of duplication are high enough that it make sense to genericise earlier. Nevertheless, the Rule of Three is a good rule of thumb to keep in mind and to only break when you’re convinced you have a good reason.

Don’t keep unused code around

Sometimes a class or function may become vestigial – in that it is no longer called by anything in the codebase – perhaps following a refactor or the removal of a feature. There can be a temptation to leave that code in place regardless – after all, it’s good code that serves a purpose even if it’s not currently a necessary purpose. We could leave it just in case the need comes back.

This is generally a bad idea. Uncalled code adds further clutter to a codebase that may already be intimidatingly large for a new starter or for someone trying to find their way around. But worse, uncalled code still requires maintenance. That uncalled code likely relies on other functions and therefore acts as deadweight, artificially inflating how much those other functions are used and how easy they might be to refactor or change. Once again, the YAGNI principle applies.

The same goes for leaving commented-out code in place just in case. A commented out block is likely simply to become out of date as the codebase evolves around it and leaves it behind.

If you’re ever in the position of being tempted to leave some unused or commented out code in place, remember that (I hope!) you use git or some equivalent version control system. So that code can always be retrieved in the history if it’s needed. But let’s be honest it probably won’t be.

Of course this advice needs to be modified if you’re writing a code library where the intent is to provide a range of classes or functions to other developers. In that case parts of your public API may not be called by any other code in the project. But the advice still applies to any code that isn’t part of the public API of the library.

Ultimately there are costs and benefits associated with every choice we make when writing an application. It’s tempting to only see the benefits of “just in case” code – more functionality, more optimised code, more flexible code – so it’s important to be cognizant of the costs too: things like time, readability, maintainability.

There are times when those benefits will outweigh the costs and also times when they won’t. The most important thing is to make sure we’re fully aware of what costs and benefits we’re weighing when we make these choices and to be aware of what assumptions we’re making in the process.

There are times also when it’s beneficial to try harder than usual to predict the future or to err more on the side of “better safe than sorry”. Data storage decisions can be especially hard to change later for example. In cases where you’re acquiring data from another source or from user behaviour, if you haven’t been storing some piece of information that a future feature requires, you may never be able to go back and fill it in for historical records. So some reasonable assumptions about the future may need to be made here. What “reasonable” means is unfortunately the kind of question that requires experienced judgement.

There are difficult balances to strike here. It’s sensible to plan for unexpected changes of requirements and to design your codebase so that you keep your options open for the unknowns of the future. But that flexibility has to be balanced against the other more immediate concerns we keep coming back to – readability, maintainability, testability. Always examine your assumptions and try to take account of all the costs and benefits when weighing these decisions.



The Rule of Three

The Wrong Abstraction

Coding principles 6: Don’t reinvent the wheel

This is the 6th part of a series about 67 Bricks’s coding principles. The previous posts are: 12, 3, 4 and 5.

The principle

Where reasonable, lean on reputable, existing libraries rather than writing your own solution for a problem that has already been solved.

There are a number of well known edicts in software engineering that relate to this principle. “Reinventing the wheel” describes writing your own software to solve a problem that has already been solved adequately. “Not Invented Here” (NIH) syndrome describes a tendency to believe that only self-authored code is valid and therefore to avoid using any third party software or libraries.

I’ve certainly been guilty of reinventing the wheel – sometimes because of NIH syndrome and sometimes because it didn’t occur to me to check whether the wheel had already been invented. I don’t think I’m alone in this.

XKCD image: 'We don't want to reinvent the wheel, so every day we google image search "wheel", and whatever object comes up, that's what we attach to our vehicles. Sure external dependencies carry risks, but so far they've all been pretty good wheels.'

At 67 Bricks, we encourage the use of libraries and third party software in our solutions because we recognise that our real goal is to create valuable products for our customers. And we can do that more effectively when we lean on existing solutions to solved problems.

It’s worth considering that the authors of a library are likely to have dedicated considerable time to their solution and to have encountered and fixed problems you haven’t thought of yet. Problems, big and small – from dropdown components to search engines – have endless complexities and edge cases. If we tie ourselves up on these details, we are not working on solving the real problem of the system we’re working on.

Jeff Bezos said a company should “focus on what makes your beer taste better” as an analogy to explain why a software company might use AWS rather than managing servers etc in house. This is a useful way to look at writing software. What makes our “beer taste better” is understanding our customers’ problems and designing systems and products that solve them. We are not directly making our “beer taste better” if we’re spending time reimplementing an HTTP server or a frontend component library.

However, it’s important to evaluate libraries before relying on them. Consider questions like how actively is it developed and maintained? Is it compatible with other tools in use? Does it have issues or bugs that might make it difficult to work with or cause problems for the larger project? Is its license compatible with the project? Is it accessible? Your colleagues and the community will have thoughts, recommendations and advice, so don’t be afraid to ask.

The infamous leftpad incident highlighted the inevitable vulnerability that comes with relying on 3rd party libraries. The specific issues with NPM that allowed that to be such a problem have since been addressed, but nevertheless it’s worth bearing this warning in mind when bringing in any dependency. We always want to make sensible choices about when to rely on a library and when not to. There’s a balance to find here – sometimes it weighs in favour of choosing the library despite that vulnerability and sometimes it doesn’t.

As with so many decisions, it comes down to a cost benefit analysis. But it’s important to be realistic about all the costs. There are potential costs of using a library: it may be badly supported or become deprecated, it may have or develop a security hole – or worse, have a security hole put in it maliciously. But there are potential costs of not using a library too, primarily time. Can you afford to spend hours, days or weeks implementing and then maintaining some piece of your system that has already been implemented – perhaps better – already?

So I would advise using libraries liberally where they add value and allow you to concentrate on solving more valuable problems, but remember to evaluate them adequately. Ultimately aim to find a balance between not reinventing the wheel while also not bringing in a new library for every little problem you find however small.

Pair programming with Cursor: A modern twist on collaborative coding

Imagine having a coding partner available 24/7—tireless, fast, and, while not flawless, always ready to help. With AI tools like Cursor, this vision of “pair programming” is now closer to reality, offering a fresh approach for solo developers and teams alike.

While AI development tools are becoming increasingly widespread, software developers often remain sceptical: Can an AI really help us write high-quality code? From my experience, using AI-powered tools reminds me of pair programming with a human. If you are reluctant to give them a go, I think approaching these tools from this perspective may help overcome this barrier, and ultimately will help you get the most out of them.

Listen to this post as an AI generated podcast

Why try AI pair programming?

Traditional pair programming has long been praised for its impact on code quality, error reduction, and team culture. Two developers work together at the same workstation, with one acting as the “driver” who writes code and the other as the “observer” who reviews each line. While this approach fosters learning and collaboration, it also requires two people on one task, which can be costly in terms of time and resources.

AI tools offer a practical, low-cost alternative to traditional pair programming. It provides instant feedback, useful suggestions, and a second set of “eyes” on your code—all without needing a human counterpart. While AI isn’t perfect, the back-and-forth interaction can feel surprisingly similar to a human pairing session, and it is beneficial to treat it this way.

How Cursor mimics traditional pair programming

The workflow will feel familiar to anyone who’s done pair programming before. Here’s how it typically unfolds:

  1. Starting the Task: You prompt Cursor to tackle a specific coding problem—perhaps generating a new function, designing a user interface, or drafting test cases.
  2. Iterative Refinement: Cursor generates an initial solution, which you review and adjust. You may request changes, fixes, or refactoring to refine its response.
  3. Moving Towards a Solution: Through this iterative feedback loop, Cursor refines the code until you reach a satisfactory result.

This conversational back-and-forth mimics the dynamic of traditional pair programming.  Approaching development tasks in this way encourages you to think about what you are really trying to achieve, rather than getting sucked into the details of the implementation at the outset.

Using cursor as your code reviewer

One powerful feature of Cursor is its ability to act as a reviewer, in a sense reversing this workflow. Rather than asking Cursor to write code from scratch, you can ask it to review code you’ve written, offering suggestions for improvement or optimization. This can be particularly helpful when tackling coding tasks you are less comfortable with, such as frontend development or infrastructure as code. The AI can often spot potential improvements you might overlook, augmenting your knowledge in these areas.

This reverse workflow can feel like having an unbiased reviewer who you can call on without worrying about taking up their time. Cursor may suggest alternative approaches, flag potential pitfalls, or highlight areas for optimisation if you ask.

An example: Building a search interface for a GraphRAG API

To illustrate how Cursor works in practice, let’s look at a recent project where I used it to build a simple front-end for a GraphRAG search API. The goal was to create an interface that could display the search responses, and pull out references to supporting documents. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how I approached the task:

  • Defining the Extraction Task: The tricky part of this task was writing a set of regular expressions to identify and extract references to documents embedded in the API’s text responses. I started by prompting Cursor to parse the response, giving it a concrete example of the data I wanted to isolate. For instance, in a response snippet like:

    “… as a result, Nvidia stocks are set to rise [Data: Reports (328); Entities (2542, 431); Relationships (372, 5709)]”

I explained that I needed to capture the document references—like “Reports (328)” or “Entities (2542, 431)” from the text.

  • Testing with Cursor’s Help: Having  generated an initial implementation, we worked together to write a set of tests. These tests were essential to validate that the references were extracted correctly, capturing different formats that might show up in the API’s responses.
  • Reviewing and Identifying Edge Cases: I reviewed the extraction results on a wider set of data to identify any edge cases that the initial implementation had missed. 
  • Refining the Solution: I added these edge cases as additional test cases, and asked Cursor to amend the code to account for the variations. With each iteration, it refined the parser incrementally to handle the new scenarios.
  • Removing duplication: As the test suite grew, Cursor was able to make suggestions to simplify the tests and remove duplicated code.
  • Finalising the Implementation: Once the solution was passing all tests, I committed the code. With the references reliably extracted, I moved on to the next step: displaying the referenced data in the frontend. “Cursor, please display the references as cards below the search result …”

You can see in this example the natural back-and-forth process with Cursor, similar to pair programming with a human partner. By iteratively refining the regular expressions, testing thoroughly, and addressing edge cases, my AI partner helped turn a tricky data extraction task into a manageable and enjoyable workflow.

Benefits of AI pair programming

AI pair programming offers many of the same benefits as a human partner in pair programming. For example:

  • Conversational Flow: Just as you’d ask a human partner for feedback, you interact through questions, prompts, and iterative requests, creating a “conversation” with your AI partner.
  • AI as the Driver: The AI partner  generates solutions based on your prompts, while you guide it toward the right path.
  • Expecting Mistakes: Like a human partner, the AI will make mistakes. Together, you can refine and improve the code, iterating to align its output with your vision.
  • Incremental Development: Working with AI encourages an incremental approach. You can request small sections of code, review each piece, and adjust as needed—fostering a step-by-step workflow that ensures quality.
  • Broader Perspective: With the AI handling the details, you’re free to step back and consider larger concerns, like UX, accessibility, and project-specific requirements.

Key Differences from Human Pair Programming

While developing with an AI tool shares many of the benefits of traditional pair programming, there are also significant differences:

  • Infinite Patience and Subservience: Unlike a human partner, the AI is endlessly patient and will take a backseat. You can ignore its suggestions without worrying about offence, conflict or having to take a long walk.
  • Freedom from Judgment: There’s no fear of embarrassment when asking a question that might seem “basic.” The assistance is provided without judgement, creating a comfortable environment to explore, learn, and iterate.
  • Knowledge Sharing and Mentorship: AI tools won’t spontaneously take you on a deep dive into the codebase, and lack the mentorship qualities that a human partner might offer. The explanations are often only as detailed as your requests.
  • Code Ownership and Accountability: When pairing with a human, ownership of the code is shared. With an AI partner, the responsibility for quality and accuracy ultimately remains with you. It’s important that these tools are used within a robust development process, with peer code review and testing in a CI pipeline.
  • Emotional Support and Empathy: A human partner can recognize signs of frustration, offer encouragement, or provide a sense of camaraderie that reduces burnout. An AI, whilst supportive in its own way, doesn’t provide emotional support 🙂.

Tips for effective AI pair programming with Cursor

Here are some best practices to help you get the most out of Cursor as your AI pair programming partner:

  • Use Precise Prompts: The clearer your requests, the more accurate Cursor’s responses. Providing relevant context from your codebase use the files and folders commands helps Cursor generate output aligned with your goals.
  • Handle Mistakes as Learning Moments: Cursor will make mistakes or miss the mark. Treat these errors as opportunities to refine your prompts and learn how best to interact with the AI.
  • Experiment with the Reverse Workflow: If you’re unsure about a piece of code, ask Cursor to review it. Its suggestions can help you catch issues early and improve overall code quality.
  • Know When Not to Use Cursor: Cursor may not be ideal for highly creative problem-solving or tasks that require complex decision-making. Use it as a support tool, but don’t rely on it for aspects that benefit from nuanced human judgement.

Final thoughts: Embracing AI as a pair programming partner

If you’re hesitant about using an AI-powered developer tool, thinking of it as a virtual pair programming partner may just be what you need to get started. Remember, these tools are in their infancy, and are continually improving—just like all good developers. Embrace the imperfections and cut them some slack; after all, you would not expect perfection of your partner, or yourself. Like it or not AI is here to stay and is a tool every professional developer needs to master.

Coding principles 5: Code should be reviewed

This is the 5th part of a series about 67 Bricks’s coding principles. The previous posts are: 12, 3 and 4.

The principle

All code should be reviewed before it is merged into the main branch. All project members, however junior, should be involved in code reviewing.

This is another – I hope – uncontroversial principle.

At 67 Bricks we generally use Gitlab for our code hosting and use their merge request feature for signalling that a change is ready to review and then for checking the changes and leaving comments for the author. All the other big git hosting platforms have equivalent tools that are just as good, so there’s no excuse not to do code reviews when working in a team.

Code reviewing is beneficial for the quality of the codebase because a reviewer may spot edge cases, mistakes, issues or potential problems that the original author didn’t consider. They may also be able to suggest improvements, based on their own knowledge of the project or of the relevant technologies.

We all make mistakes, so having another pair of eyes looking over your work makes it more likely that those mistakes get noticed before they cause a real problem. We also all have different knowledge, experiences, strengths and weaknesses, so code reviewing is a way of bringing the experience of a second person to bear on a problem.

Another benefit is that the reviewer comes to the code at some distance from the detailed problems the developer had to wrangle with, and this can be useful when seeing the complete set of changes as a whole. This is distance that the author will probably gain themselves over the next days and weeks, but it’s useful to have it immediately from another person.

Knowing that your code will be reviewed also encourages you to be more thorough. This is just human behaviour, especially when we are busy and keen to be seen to be making progress.

Slightly less obviously, code reviewing also has benefits for the reviewer because it exposes them to areas of the codebase they may not have worked on before and encourages them to engage with, and constructively criticise, others’ code. This gives them the opportunity to be exposed to and learn from others’ approaches.

And I should emphasise constructive criticism. When it works well, code reviewing can lead to a closer team built on trust. When we, as reviewers, suggest changes, we need to do so without implying criticism. And when receiving review comments, we need to understand that the health of the codebase (and the project) is more important than our egos.

As much as it takes effort to do a good, thorough code review, the benefit is huge. I’m sure I can’t be the only person who has been guilty of waving through a review with minimal attention – perhaps because I know the author is sensible and writes good code – only to find later that it caused some bug that I could have prevented if I’d engaged with it a bit more. Skimping on the effort to review properly is a false economy because the mistakes you miss will just need to be fixed later, leading to more reviews.

Generally speaking we at 67 Bricks think only one person need review each change, but there may be cases where it makes sense for more than one person to be involved, for example to get the input of a particular subject matter expert.

I don’t think anyone would pretend that reviewing code changes is their favourite part of the job, but there are things we can do when putting our code up for review that make everyone’s lives easier.

  • we can aim to keep merge requests small and focussed (spoiler alert: this is the focus of a future principle)
  • we can provide any necessary context, descriptions and (if applicable) screenshots when opening the merge request to give the reviewer the best chance of understanding what they’re looking at
  • we can aim to keep each commit focussed on a single, meaningful change rather than lumping lots of unrelated changes in each commit. This makes it easier to review commit by commit, which can be preferable in some cases
  • we can be available to answer the reviewer’s questions. It can even be helpful to quickly walk a reviewer through your change so they fully understand the context and your intentions before fully reviewing it themselves

Code reviews can unfortunately lead to a bottleneck in the development process where a number of changes sit unreviewed and becoming stale while the team works on other things, so it’s worth trying to keep on top of them. It often works to have a team policy that, upon finishing a piece of work, members should review at least one open merge request before picking up something new.

Code reviewing generally isn’t what gets anyone up in the morning, but it’s immeasurably valuable for the overall quality of the codebase. And slacking on it is likely to lead to costlier problems later on, so it’s worth trying to do well.


Coding principles 4: Test at multiple levels

This is the 4th part of a series about 67 Bricks’s coding principles. The previous posts are: 12 and 3.

The principle

Test at multiple levels

I don’t think it’s controversial to say that tests are A Good Thing.

Functionality should be well tested so that we can be confident that it works correctly. Tests at different levels bring different benefits and should be combined to provide a high level of confidence in the software’s quality.

A rough common rule of thumb is that there should be:

  • lots of unit tests
    • these focus on individual units of code
    • they should be small, focused and quick to run
  • slightly fewer integration tests
    • these focus on testing multiple units together, potentially including external systems like databases
    • they tend to be a bit slower to run and more involved to set up
  • fewer again end-to-end tests
    • these test the whole stack
    • they generally test from the point of view of an end user or client of the system, so they might run via a headless browser or via a REST API
    • they tend to be comparatively slow and complex so they should be used sparingly and where they add real value
  • a small number of smoke tests
    • these are very basic end-to-end tests that can be run post-deployment or at regular intervals to check that the service is healthy

There is much that sensible people can disagree on in the above, like where the line sits between unit and integration tests; how much value there is in mocking in unit tests and much more. But I think the broader point that there is value in having tests at multiple levels stands.

By writing good tests at multiple levels, and running them often, it is possible to have a high level of confidence that a piece of software is in good working order.

Well written tests can bring a huge number of benefits, some of which are perhaps less obvious than others.

Tests verify that a piece of functionality works as intended

This is perhaps the most obvious benefit of tests: they test that some code does what you think it does.

While at 67 Bricks we are fairly agnostic to TDD (you’re welcome to use it, but you don’t have to), we do advocate for interleaving writing code with writing tests, rather than writing all the code first and leaving the tests till the end. Writing tests throughout the process can be hugely helpful in writing code that does what you intend it to with minimal bugs.

Tests encourage good, clean, modular code

It is a good rule of thumb that if a unit of code is hard to test, it’s probably an indication of a problem that you should fix. If it’s hard to test, perhaps it’s too tightly coupled or it’s making some undue assumptions or it has a confusing interface or it’s relying on hard-to-reason-about side effects… Wherever the difficulty springs from, the fact that it’s hard to test is a useful warning sign.

Tests act as specifications of behaviour

Each of your tests can act as an encapsulated description of how this unit of code is intended to act in particular circumstances. This is great as a way of documenting the developers’ intentions. If I come to a method and find myself wondering what to expect if null is passed into it, then my life will be made a lot easier if there’s a corresponding test like

it('throws an error when null is passed in', () => {

This example uses jest, a popular testing framework in the Javascript/Typescript world that allows you to write very spec-friendly, descriptive test names. In languages or frameworks that require you to use function names rather than strings for test names, I advocate making those function names as long and descriptive as possible, like

void throwsAnErrorWhenNullIsPassedIn()

Tests act as examples of how to use units of code

Related to the above point, they also act as written examples to future developers of how to use or consume the module under test.

Tests guard against regressions and other unintended changes

One of the most valuable things about adding tests as new features develop is that they remain in the codebase indefinitely as guards against unintended behaviour changes in the future. When working on a large system – particularly when developers come and go over time – it’s invaluable to be able to get instant feedback that a change you’ve made has caused a test to fail. This is especially true if that test is descriptively named, as recommended above, because it will help you understand what to do to fix the failure. Perhaps your change has had unintended consequences, or perhaps the test simply needs updating based on your change – a well named and well written test will help you make that call.

For this reason, it can sometimes be useful to test fairly trivial things that wouldn’t be worth testing if the only benefit were checking that your code works. Sometimes it’s valuable to simply enshrine something in a test to prevent accidental changes to important behaviour.

Tests help you refactor with confidence

When refactoring, tests are indispensable. If the code is well covered by good tests, and those tests pass after you’ve finished the refactor, you can have a high degree of confidence that you haven’t inadvertently changed any behaviour.


Coding principles 3: Favour simplicity over complexity

This is the 3rd part of a series about 67 Bricks’s coding principles. The previous posts are: 1 and 2.

The principle

Aim for simplicity over complexity. This applies to everything from overarching architectural decisions down to function implementations.

This principle is a close cousin of the previous one – aim for clear, readable code – but emphasises one particular aspect of what makes code clear and readable: simplicity.

Simpler solutions tend to be easier to implement, to maintain, to reason about and to discuss with colleagues and clients.

It can be tempting to think that for software to be good or valuable it must be complicated. There can be an allure to complexity, I think partly because we tend to equate hard work with good work. So if we write something labyrinthine and hard to understand, it’s tempting to think it must also be good. But this is a false instinct when it comes to software. In code, hard does not equal good. In general complexity for its own sake should be avoided. It’s important to remember that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a simple solution if it does what’s needed.

There’s also value in getting a simple solution working quickly so that it can be demoed, reviewed and discussed early compared to labouring for a long time over a complex solution that might not be correct. Something we emphasise a lot working at 67 Bricks is the value of iteration in the agile process. It can be extremely powerful to implement a basic version of a feature, site or application so that stakeholders can see and play with it and then give feedback rather than trying to discuss an abstract idea. Here, simplicity really shines because often getting a simple thing in front of a stakeholder in a week can be a lot more valuable than getting a complicated thing in front of them in a month.

This principle applies at every level at which we work, from designing your architectural infrastructure, down through designing the architecture of each module in your system, down to writing individual functions, frontend components and tests. At every level, if you can achieve what you need with fewer moving parts, simpler abstractions and fewer layers of indirection, the maintainability of your whole system will benefit.

Of course there are caveats here. Some code has to be complicated because it’s modelling complicated business logic. Sometimes there must be layers of abstraction and indirection because the problem requires it. This principle is not an argument that code should never be complicated, because sometimes it is unavoidable. Instead, it is an argument that simplicity is a valuable goal in itself and should be favoured where possible.

Another factor that makes this principle deceptively tricky is that it is the system (the architecture, the application, the class etc) that should be simple, not necessarily each individual code change. A complex system can very quickly emerge from a number of simple changes. Equally, a complicated refactor may leave the larger system simpler. It’s important to see the wood for the trees here. What’s important isn’t necessarily the simplicity of an individual code change, but the simplicity of the system that results from it.

There’s also subjectivity here: what does “simple” really mean when talking about code? A good example of an overcomplicated solution is the FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition repo – a satirical implementation of the basic FizzBuzz code challenge using an exaggerated Enterprise Java approach, with layers of abstraction via factories, visitors and strategies. However, all the patterns in use there do have their purpose. In another context, a factory class can simplify rather than obfuscate. But it’s important not to bring in extra complexity or indirection before it’s necessary.


The Wrong Abstraction – Sandi Metz

The Grug Brained Developer

Simplicity is An Advantage but Sadly Complexity Sells Better

Coding principles 2: Prioritise readability

This is the 2nd part of a series about 67 Bricks’s coding principles. The first post, containing the introduction and first principle is here.

The principle

Aim for clear, readable code. Write clear, readable comments where necessary

You should make it a priority that your work be readable and understandable to those who might come to it after you. This means you should aim to write code that is as clear and unambiguous as possible. You should do this by:

  • using clear variable, function and class names
  • avoiding confusing, ambiguous or unnecessarily complicated logic
  • adhering to the conventions and idioms of the language or technology you’re using

What can’t be made clear through code alone should be explained in comments.

Comments should focus on “why” (or “why not” explanations) far more than “how” explanations. This is particularly true if there is some historical context to a coding decision that might not be clear to someone maintaining the code in the future.

Note however that just like code, comments must be maintained and can become stale or misleading if they don’t evolve with the code, so use them carefully and only where they add value.

It is important to recognise that your code will be read far more times that it is written, and it will be maintained by people who don’t know everything you knew when you wrote it; possibly including your future self. Aim to be kind to your future self and others by writing code that conveys as much information and relevant context as possible.

I expect we’ve all had the experience of coming to a piece of code and struggling to understand it, only to realise it was you who wrote it a few months or weeks (or even days?) ago. We should learn from this occasional experience and aim to identify what we could have changed about the code the first time that would have prevented it. Better variable names? More comments? More comprehensive tests?

“You’re not going to run out of ink,” is something a colleague once commented on a pull request of mine to say that I could clarify the purpose of a variable by giving it a longer, more descriptive name. I think that’s a point worth remembering. Use as many characters as you need to make the job of the next person easier.

Of course, there’s some subjectivity here. What you see as obscure, someone else might see as entirely clear and vice versa. And certainly there’s an element of experience in how easily one can read and understand any code. The point really is to make sure that at least a thought is spared for the person who comes to the code next.


Here is an example that does not follow this principle:

const a = getArticles('2020-01-01');
a && process(a);

This example is unclear because it uses meaningless variable names and somewhat ambiguous method names. For example, it’s not clear without reading further into each method what they do – what does the date string parameter mean in getArticles? It also uses a technique for conditionally executing a method that is likely to confuse someone trying to scan this code quickly.

Now, here’s an example attempts to follow the principle:

// The client is only interested in articles published after 1st Jan
// 2020. Older articles are managed by a different system.
// See <ticket number>
const minDate = '2020-01-01';

const articlesResult = getArticlesSince(minDate);
if (articlesResult) {

It provides a comment to explain the “why” of the hardcoded date, including relevant context; it uses much more meaningful names for variables and functions; and it uses a more standard, idiomatic pattern for conditionally executing a method.


Naming is Hard: Let’s Do Better (Kate Gregory, YouTube)

Coding principles 1: Favour functional code

Introduction to the principles

When I started working at 67 Bricks in 2017, in a small Oxford office already slightly struggling to contain about 15 developers, I found a strong and positive coding culture here. I learnt very quickly over my first few weeks what kind of code and practices the company valued. Some of that learning came via formal routes like on-boarding meetings and code review comments, but a lot of it came just by being in the office among many excellent developers and chatting or overhearing chats about opinions and preferences.

While there’s something very nice about this organic, osmosis-like way of ingesting a company’s values, practices and principles, it has been forced to evolve by a few factors over the last year. First we switched to home-working during the Covid lockdowns of 2020 and 2021 and then settled into a hybrid working model in which home-working is the default for most of us and the office is used somewhat less routinely. Secondly, we’ve increasing our technical team quite significantly over the last several years. Thirdly, that growth has partly involved a focus on bringing in and developing more junior developers. Each of these changes has made the “osmosis” model for new starters to pick up the company’s values a bit less tenable.

So over recent months, the tech leads have undertaken a project to distil those unwritten values and principles into a set of slightly more formal statements that new starters and old hands alike can refer to to help guide our high level thinking.

We came up with 9 of these principles. This and the following 8 posts in this series will go through each principle describing it and explaining why we think it is important in our ultimate goal of producing good, well-functioning products that run robustly, meet customer needs and are easy to maintain. 67 Bricks’s semi-joking unofficial motto is “do sensible things competently”; these principles aim to formalise a little what we mean by “sensible” and “competent”.

Generally I’ve used Typescript to write any code examples. The commonality of Typescript and Javascript should mean that examples are understandable to a good number of people.

About the principles

Before diving into the first principle, it’s worth briefly describing what these principles are and what they’re not.

These are high-level, general principles that aim to guide approaches to writing code in a way that is language/framework/technology agnostic. They should be seen more as rules of thumb or guidelines with plenty of room for exceptions and caveats depending on the situation. A good comparison might Effective Java by Joshua Bloch where a statement like “Favor composition over inheritance” doesn’t rule out ever using inheritance, but aims to guide the reader to understand why – in some cases – inheritance can cause problems and composition may provide a more robust and flexible solution.

These principles are not a style guide – our individual project teams are self organising and perfectly capable of enforcing their own code style preferences as they see fit – nor a dogmatic, stone-carved attempt at absolute truth. They’re also not strongly opinionated hot takes that are likely to provoke flame wars. They are simply what we see as sensible guidelines towards good, easy-to-write, easy-to-maintain code, and therefore robust software.

That was a lot of ado, so without any further let’s get on with the first principle.

The principle

Favour functional, immutable code over imperative, mutable code

Functional code emphasises side effect free, pure, composable functions that deal with immutable objects and avoid mutable state. We believe this approach leads to more concise, more testable, more readable, less error-prone software and we advise that all code be written in this way unless there is a good reason not to.

Code written in this way is easier to reason about because it avoids side effects and state mutations; functions are pure, deterministic and predictable. This approach promotes writing small, modular functions that are easy to compose together and easy to test.

67 Bricks has a history of favouring Scala as a development language – which may be clear from browsing back through the history of this blog. While these days C# has become a more common language for the products we deliver, the functional-first spirit of Scala is still woven into the fabric of 67 Bricks development. I believe Martin Odersky’s Coursera course: Functional Programming Principles in Scala is an excellent starting point for anyone wanting to understand the functional programming mindset regardless of your interest in Scala as a language.

As an interesting aside, the implementations of many of the Scala collections library classes – such as ListMap and HashMap – use mutable data structures internally in some methods, presumably for purposes of optimisation. This illustrates the caveat mentioned above that there may be sensible, situation-specific reasons to override this principle and others. It’s worth noting however that while the internals of some functions may be implemented in an imperative way, those are implementation details that are entirely encapsulated and irrelevant to users of the API.

I think “functional programming” is better seen as a continuum than a black and white dichotomy. While certain languages – like Haskell and F# – may be strictly functional, most languages – including C#, Javascript/Typescript, Python and (increasingly) Java – have many features that allow you to write in a more functional way if you choose to use them.


There are many books describing and teaching functional programming and the various principles that make it up, so I don’t intend to go into too much detail, but I think a couple of examples may help illustrate what functional code is and why it’s useful.

The following is an example of some code that does not follow this principle:

let onOffer = false;

function applyOffersToPrices(prices: number[]) {
  onOffer = isOfferDate(new Date());
  if (onOffer) {
    for (let i = 0; i < prices.length; i++) {
      prices[i] /= 2;
  return onOffer;

const prices: number[] = await retrievePricesFromSomewhere();
const onOffer = applyOffersToPrices(prices)
if (onOffer) {
  // ... what values does `prices` contain here?
} else {
  // ... how about here?

This code is hard to reason about because applyOffersToPrices mutates one of its arguments in some instances. This makes it very hard to be sure what state the values in the prices array are in after that function is called.

The following is an example that attempts to follow the principle:

function discountedPrices(prices: number[], date: Date) {
  if (!isOfferDate(date)) {
    return prices;
  return => price / 2)

const prices: number[] = await retrievePricesFromSomewhere();
const todayPrices = discountedPrices(prices, new Date());

In this example, applyOffersToPrices is a pure function that does not mutate its input, but returns a new array containing the updated prices. It is unambiguous that prices still contains the original prices while todayPrices contains the prices that apply on the current date with the offer applied as necessary.

Note also that discountedPrices has everything it needs – the original prices and the current date – passed into it as arguments. This makes it very easy to test with different values.


Functional Programming Principles in Scala – Martin Odersky on Coursera

Why Functional Programming

Unit testing 101 – mob rulz

In a recent developer forum I made the rather wild decision to try demonstrate the principles of unit testing via an interactive mobbing session. I came prepared with some simple C# functions based around an Aspnetcore API and said “let’s write the tests together”. The resultant session unfolded not quite how I anticipated, but it was still lively, fun and informative.

The first function I presented was fairly uncontentious – the humble fizzbuzz:

public string GetFizzBuzz(int i)
    string str = "";
    if (i % 3 == 0)
        str += "Fizz";
    if (i % 5 == 0)
        str += "Buzz";
    if (str.Length == 0)
        str = i.ToString();

    return str;

Uncontentious that was, until a bright spark (naming no names) piped up with questions like “Shouldn’t 6 return ‘fizzfizz’?”. Er… moving on…

I gave a brief introduction to writing tests using XUnit following the Arrange/Act/Assert pattern, and we collaboratively came up with the following tests:

public void GetFizzBuzz_FactTest()
    // Arrange
    var input = 1;

    // Act
    var response = _controller.GetFizzBuzz(input);

    // Assert
    Assert.Equal("1", response);

[InlineData(1, "1")]
[InlineData(2, "2")]
[InlineData(3, "Fizz")]
[InlineData(4, "4")]
[InlineData(5, "Buzz")]
[InlineData(9, "Fizz")]
[InlineData(15, "FizzBuzz")]
public void GetFizzBuzz_TheoryTest(int input, string output)
    var response = _controller.GetFizzBuzz(input);
    Assert.Equal(output, response);

So far so good. We had a discussion about the difference between “white box” and “black box” testing (where I nodded sagely and pretended I knew exactly what these terms meant before making the person who mentioned them provide a definition). We agreed that these tests were “white box” testing because we had full access to the source code and new exactly what clauses we wanted to cover with our test cases. With “black box” testing we know nothing about the internals of the function and so might attempt to break it by throwing large integer values at it, or finding out exactly whether we got back “fizzfizz” with an input of 6.

Moving on – I presented a new function which does an unspecified “thing” to a string. It does a bit of error handling and returns an appropriate response depending on whether the thing was successful:

public class AwesomeController : BaseController
    private readonly IAwesomeService _awesomeService;

    public AwesomeController(IAwesomeService awesomeService)
        _awesomeService = awesomeService;

    public ActionResult<string> DoAThingWithAString(
        string thingyString)
        string response;

            response = _awesomeService
        catch (ArgumentException ex)
            return BadRequest(ex.Message);
        catch (Exception ex)
            return StatusCode(500, ex.Message);

        return Ok(response);

This function is not stand-alone but instead calls a function in a service class, which does a bit of validation and then does the “thing” to the string:

public class AwesomeService : IAwesomeService
    private readonly IAmazonS3 _amazonS3Client;

    public AwesomeService(IAmazonS3 amazonS3Client)
        _amazonS3Client = amazonS3Client;

    public string DoAThingWithAString(string thingyString)
        if (thingyString == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("Where is the string?");

        if (thingyString.Any(char.IsDigit))
            throw new ArgumentException(
                @"We don't want your numbers");

        var evens = 
            thingyString.Where((item, index) => index % 2 == 0);
        var odds = 
            thingyString.Where((item, index) => index % 2 == 1);

        return string.Concat(evens) + string.Concat(odds);

And now the debates really began. The main point of contention was around the use of mocking. We can write an exhaustive test for the service function to exercise all the if clauses and check that the right exceptions are thrown. But when testing the controller function should we mock the service class or not?

Good arguments were provided for the “mocking” and “not mocking” cases. Some argued that it was easier to write tests for lower level functions, and if you did this then any test failures could be easily pinned down to a specific line of code. Others argued that for simple microservices with a narrow interface it is sufficient to just write tests that call the API, and only mock external services.

Being a personal fan of the mocking approach, and wanting to demonstrate how to do it, I prodded and cajoled the group into writing these tests to cover the exception scenarios:

public class AwesomeControllerTests
    private readonly AwesomeController _controller;
    private readonly Mock<IAwesomeService> _service;

    public AwesomeControllerTests()
        _service = new Mock<IAwesomeService>();
        _controller = new AwesomeController(_service.Object);

    public void DoAThingWithAString_ArgumentException()
        _service.Setup(x => x.DoAThingWithAString(It.IsAny<string>()))
            .Throws(new ArgumentException("boom"));

        var response = _controller.DoAThingWithAString("whatever")


    public void DoAThingWithAString_Exception()
        _service.Setup(x => x.DoAThingWithAString(It.IsAny<string>()))
            .Throws(new Exception("boom"));

        var response = _controller.DoAThingWithAString("whatever")

        Assert.Equal(500, ((ObjectResult)response).StatusCode);
        Assert.Equal("boom", ((ObjectResult)response).Value);

Before the session descended into actual fisticuffs I rapidly moved on to discuss integration testing. I added a function to my service class that could read a file from S3:

public async Task<object> GetFileFromS3(string bucketName, string key)
    var obj = await _amazonS3Client.GetObjectAsync(
        new GetObjectRequest 
            BucketName = bucketName, 
            Key = key 

    using var reader = new StreamReader(obj.ResponseStream);
    return reader.ReadToEnd();

I then added a function to my controller which called this and handled a few types of exception:

public async Task<ActionResult<object>> GetFile(string bucketName, string key)
    object response;

        response = await _awesomeService.GetFileFromS3(
                             bucketName, key);
    catch (AmazonS3Exception ex)
        if (ex.Message.Contains("Specified key does not exist") ||
            ex.Message.Contains("Specified bucket does not exist"))
            return NotFound();
        else if (ex.Message == "Access Denied")
            return Unauthorized();
            return StatusCode(500, ex.Message);
    catch (Exception ex)
        return StatusCode(500, ex.Message);

    return Ok(response);

I argued that here we could write a full end-to-end test which read an actual file from an actual S3 bucket and asserted some things on the result. Something like this:

public class AwesomeControllerIntegrationTests : 
    private readonly WebApplicationFactory<Api.Startup> _factory;

    public AwesomeControllerIntegrationTests(
        WebApplicationFactory<Api.Startup> factory)
        _factory = factory;

    public async Task GetFileTest()
        var client = _factory.CreateClient();

        var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);
        query["bucketName"] = "mybucket";
        query["key"] = "mything/thing.xml";
        using var response = await client.GetAsync(
        using var content =  response.Content;
        var stringResponse = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();


At this point I was glad that the forum was presented as a video call because I could detect some people getting distinctly agitated. “Why do you need to call S3 at all?” Well maybe the contents of this file are super mega important and the whole application would fall over into a puddle if it was changed? Maybe there is some process which generates this file on a schedule and we need to test that it is there and contains the things we are expecting it to contain?

But … maybe it is not our job as a developer to care about the contents of this file and it should be some other team entirely who is responsible for checking it has been generated correctly? Fair point…

We then discussed some options for “integration testing” including producing some local instance of AWS, or building a local database in docker and testing against that.

And then we ran out of time. I enjoyed the session and I hope the other participants did too. It remains to be seen whether I will be brave enough to attempt another interactive mobbing session in this manner…

Spooky season special – tales of terrors and errors

Anyone who has been working in software development for more than a few months will know the ice-cold sensation that creeps over you when something isn’t working and you don’t know why. Luckily, all our team members have lived to tell the tale, and are happy to share their experiences so you might avoid these errors in future… 

The Legend of the Kooky Configuration – Rhys Parsons
In my first job, in the late 90s, I was working on a project for West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS). We were replacing a key component (the Data Flow Controller, or DFC) that controlled radio transmitters and was a central hub (GD92 router) for communicating with appliances (fire engines). Communication with the Hill Top Sites (radio transmitters) was via an X.25 network.

The project was going well, we had passed the Factory Acceptance Tests, and it was time to test it on-site. By this point, I was working on the project on my own, even though I only had about two years of experience. I drove down to Birmingham from Hull with the equipment in a hired car, a journey of around 3.5 hours. The project had been going on for about a year by this point, so there was a lot riding on this test. WMFS had to change their procedures to mobilise fire engines via mobile phones instead of radio transmitters, which, back in the late 90s, was quite a slow process (30 seconds call setup). I plugged in the computers and waited for the Hill Top Sites to come online. They didn’t. I scratched my head. A lot. For an entire day. Pouring over code that looked fine. Then I packed it all up and drove back to Hull.

Back in the office, I plugged in the computer to test it. It worked immediately! Why?! How could it possibly have worked in Hull but not in Birmingham! It made absolutely no sense!

I hired a car for the next day and drove back down to Birmingham early, aiming to arrive just after 9, to avoid the shift change. By this point, I was tired and desperate.

I plugged the computer back in again. I had made absolutely no changes, but I could see no earthly reason why it wouldn’t work. “Sometimes,” I reasoned, “things just work.” That was my only hope. This was the second-day WMFS were using slower backup communications. One day was quite a good test of their resilience. Two days were nudging towards the unacceptable. Station Officers were already complaining. I stared at the screen, willing the red graphical LEDs to turn green. They remained stubbornly red. At the end of the day, I packed up the computer and drove back to Hull.

The WMFS project manager phoned my boss. We had a difficult phone conversation, and we decided I should go again the next day.

Thankfully, a senior engineer who had the experience of X.25 was in the office. I told him of this weird behaviour that made no sense. We spoke for about two minutes which concluded with him saying, “What does the configuration look like?”

My mouth dropped. The most obvious explanation. I hadn’t changed the X.25 addresses! I was so busy wondering how the code could be so weirdly broken that I hadn’t considered looking at the configuration. So, so stupid! I hadn’t changed the configuration since I first set up the system, several months earlier, it just wasn’t in my mind as something that needed doing.

Day three. Drove to Birmingham, feeling very nervous and stupid. Plugged in the computer. Changed the X.25 addresses. Held my breath. The graphical LEDs went from red to orange, and then each Hill Top Site went green in turn, as the transmit token was passed back and forth between them and the replacement DFC. Finally, success!

A Nightmare on Character Street – Rosie Chandler
We recently implemented a database hosted in AWS, with the password stored in the AWS Secrets Manager. The password is pulled into the database connection string, which ends up looking something like this:

“Server=myfunkyserver;Port=1234;Database=mycooldatabase;User ID=bigboss;Password=%PASSWORD%”

Where %PASSWORD% here is substituted with the password pulled out of the Secrets Manager. We found one day that calls to the database started throwing connection exceptions after working perfectly fine up until that point. 

After spending a lot of time scratching my head and searching through logs, I decided to take a peek into the Secrets Manager to see what the password was. Turns out that day’s password was something like =*&^%$ (note it starts with “=”) which means that the connection string for that day was invalid. After much facepalming, we implemented a one-line fix to ensure that “=” was added to the list of excluded characters for the password.

The Case of the Phantom Invoices – Chris Rimmer
Many years ago I was responsible for writing code that would email out invoices to customers. I was very careful to set things up so that when the code was tested it would send messages to a fake email system, not a real one. Unfortunately, this wasn’t set up in a very fail-safe way, meaning that another developer managed to activate the email job in the test system and sent real emails to real customers with bogus invoices in them. This is not the sort of mistake you quickly forget. Since then I’ve been very careful configuring email systems in test environments so that they can only send emails to internal addresses.

Tales from the Dropped Database – Rich Brown
It was a slow and rainy Thursday morning, I was just settling into my 3rd cup of coffee when a fateful email appeared with the subject ‘Live site down!!!’

Ah, of course, nothing like a production issue to kick-start your morning. I checked the site: it was indeed down. Sadly, the coffee would have to wait.

Logging onto the server, I checked the logs. A shiver ran down my spine.

ERROR: SQL Error – Table ‘users’ does not exist

ERROR: SQL Error – Table ‘articles’ does not exist

ERROR: SQL Error – Table ‘authors’ does not exist

ERROR: SQL Error – Database ‘live-db’ does not exist

That’s…. unusual…

Everything was working and then suddenly it stopped, no data existed.

Hopping onto the database server showed exactly that. Everything was gone, every row, every table, even the database itself wasn’t there.

I pulled in the rest of the team and we scratched our collective heads, how could this even happen? The database migration system shouldn’t be able to delete everything. We’ve taken all the right mitigations to prevent injection attacks. There’s no reason for our application to do this.

I asked, “What was everyone doing when the database disappeared?”

Dev 1 – “Writing code for this new feature”

Dev 2 – “Updating my local database”

Dev 3 – “Having a meeting”

Ok, follow up question to Dev 2 – “How did you update your database?”

Dev 2 – “I dropped it and let the app rebuild it as I usually do”

Me – “Show me what you did”

ERROR: SQL Error – Cannot drop database ‘live-db’ because it does not exist

Turned out Dev 2 had multiple SQL Server Manager instances open, one connected to their local test database and the other connected to the live system to query some existing data.

They thought they were dropping their local database and ended up dropping live by mistake.

One quick database restore and everything was back to normal.

Moral of the story, principle of least access. If you have a user who only needs to read data, only grant permissions to read data.