Organising Git Pull Requests

Recently we had an interesting dev forum on Git workflows. Git is the de facto source control tool of choice for software development. Powerful and flexible, teams have a wide range of choices to make when deciding exactly how to make use of it. This discussion originally stemmed from a Changelog podcast titled “Git your reset on” based on the blog post “Git Organized” by Annie Sexton.

To briefly summarise the above, if we imagine a situation where a merge to main leads to a production deployment and then an issue is found in production, how do we roll back? We look in the git history, find the commit that introduced the bug, revert it and then redeploy to production. But oh no! This revert changed a number of source files beyond the scope of the bug and has ended up introducing a new bug.

The proposed solution to this is to ensure a sensible, clean history of commits is used within a branch. Annie Sexton suggests using a feature branch where you commit regularly with useless messages like WIP until you are ready to submit a pull request. You then run git reset origin/head to be presented with all the changes you have done and how this differs from main, you then progressively add files and make commits with sensible messages to build up a more coherent change.

This approach has a number of advantages we discussed:

  • It provides a neat history of compartmentalised changes
  • Reviewers can then follow a structured story of commits about how the developer arrived at their solution
  • Irrelevant changes are excluded
  • Ensure that all of the included changes are relevant only to the task at hand

Disadvantages of this approach may include:

  • Bad approaches that were tried and abandoned are not in the history
  • Changes aren’t going to always compartmentalise neatly into specific changes of files meaning we would need to commit specific changes within a file, some tools do a bad job supporting this use case

It turns out that a lot of developers at 67 Bricks use a form of history rewriting when developing code, but no one used the specific approach proposed above. git commit–amend is a very useful command to tweak the previous commit. Some (including myself) use git rebase -i as a way of rebuilding the commit history, though this has a limitation in cases where you may want to split a commit up. Finally, others create new branches and build up clean commits on the new branch.

Is force pushing a force for good?

This question really split the developers, some see using git push --force as an evil that indicates you’re using git wrongly and should only be used as a last resort. Others really like the idea of force pushing, but only for branches you’ve been developing on and have yet to create a merge request for.


A workflow some developers have seen before involves using the --squash flag when merging into main. This can create a nice history where each commit neatly maps to a single ticket but the general view was this caused the loss of helpful information from the git history.

Should the software be valid at every commit?

Some argued that this is a sensible thing to strive for, having confidence that you can revert back to any commit and the software will work is a nice place to be at. However, others criticised this as tricky to achieve in practice. Ideally the tests would all be valid and pass too, but this goes against how some developers work; they create a failing test to show the problem or new feature, commit it and then build out code to make the test green. Others claim that tests should change in the same commit as code changes to make it obvious these changes belong together.

Tools used by Developers

At 67 bricks, we try to avoid specifying which precise tool a developer should use for their craft. Different developers prefer different approaches when it comes to using git, some are more comfortable with their IDEs plugin (e.g. IntelliJ has good git integration which can add specific lines to commits) while others may prefer using the command line. Here’s a list of tools we’ve used when dealing with git:

To conclude, specific approaches and tools used vary, but everyone agreed on the benefits of striving for a clean, structured git history.

Women in Tech Festival Global 2021

If you have worked in the tech industry for some time, you are likely to have noticed the issue with diversity. Information Technology was probably thought of as a male domain, and we can see the consequences of such thinking on a global level now.

67 Bricks strives to be a diverse and inclusive workplace, and we continuously improve our D&I awareness and practices. That is why for the second year in a row we attended the Women in Tech Festival aimed to champion diversity and empower companies and individuals to be allies for underrepresented groups. I did a presentation titled “It’s good to give back” at the event, which I immensely enjoyed, because, as a woman in tech myself, the topic of diversity is very close to my heart, and I take great interest in it.

This blog post gives a summary of some sessions I attended virtually.

Opening Note

The event started with the opening note from the Belonging, Inclusion and Diversity Lead of Investec, Zandi Nkhata. She spoke about reasons why women leave the tech industry: 

  • the lack of female role models.
  • experience of microaggressions – that is things people say to you that kind of remind you that you do not belong.  
  • the fact that your experience at a company might vary on whether or not you have an inclusive leader.

She also explained the difference between diversity and inclusion which I think is excellent: diversity is inviting someone to a party and inclusion is asking someone to dance. She also highlighted that only 20% of the workforce in the industry are women.

What can companies do to make their places diverse and inclusive? As an example, Investec’s vision is to make it a place where it is easy for people to be themselves, and to achieve that they set up different networks for people to speak up and listen to their feedback, provide learning and training opportunities about bullying, harassment and discrimination and have an allies programme.

Zandi also mentioned that it’s good to set KPIs with regards to diversity and inclusion, but they are not quotas, you have to be fair in achieving these targets.

Glass Ceiling or Sticky Floor

This panel discussion was about career progression – either knowing you’re probably the best candidate for a promotion yet not getting this promotion, or being capable enough but being obstructed by impostor syndrome, not having a career plan or a mentor.

The main point of the discussion was that a person finding themselves not progressing needs to ask themselves: “what is limiting my growth and what is in my control?”. You need to create a career plan and ensure you are in control. The importance of networking for women was highlighted, and events like Women in Tech is a great opportunity to do that. 

Another piece of advice was to focus on progress rather than perfection, and to learn to not be scared of asking questions even if you might think they are stupid (because they are not!).

Employers also have a duty to help with career progression. It is important to create career paths, understand them and enable employees to understand them as well, making it clear what is needed to get from A to B. It’s also vital to identify the strengths of each individual and know the exact purpose of each person in a team.

The panel also spoke about those who are in search of a new job and what question they might want to ask potential employers to decide about the suitability of a company for them; the suggestions were to look at the leadership gender balance and whether the company is doing any work regarding diversity and inclusion, among others.

Companies should not be scared to bring in people outside of the tech industry, reskill them and tap into their wealth of experience and transferable skills because the mixture of these experiences, strengths and insights can enable the team to grow.

How Old Are You?

This was about progressing in your career when you’re older. A lot of the focus here was on menopause awareness. This topic is still taboo, so safe spaces need to be created to make this conversation more visible, allowing people to speak about it without embarrassment. A lot of people still don’t know much about it even though their female relatives or friends might be experiencing menopause.

The speaker suggests that companies start with things like short talks about it in staff meetings. Some employers hold regular menopause cafes, others hold sessions on what to expect during this challenging time.  An emphasis was made on educating men (especially line managers) to feel comfortable about discussing menopause, and strategies for coping with it in all-male environments, which was mainly to push towards diversity and inclusion, having company policies around menopause and working together.

You Do Belong Here

This session was focused on combating impostor syndrome. This is typically associated with women (men do experience it too though) and the panellists shared useful tips that help them to overcome it:

  • Try to understand if it’s impostor syndrome or the culture that doesn’t let you grow. Some level of self-doubt is experienced by everyone.
  • Having a conversation about it helps combat it. It is the manager’s responsibility to create space where people can discuss it.
  • Some people use journaling. For example, you made a mistake, and 5 days later it’s still eating at you, and you still think about what you could have done. So to avoid that, by writing down what happened and what you could do next time, you get it out of your system.
  • Keep a list of your successes to read from time to time.
  • Refresh your CV and bio regularly as it allows you to focus on your achievements.
  • Educate yourself in neuroscience; humans are programmed to think negatively, and understanding this enables you to interpret your behaviour and thoughts.
  • Instead of changing yourself and trying to adopt a new personality type in certain situations to suit someone else, decide for yourself how you want to come across. However, beware if you go too far, If you’re not genuine, it’s not a sensible place to be. The best thing is to be your authentic self.

To sum up, thanks to this year and last year’s events I spoke to several inspiring females and got a bigger picture of what issues exist for women and LGBTQ+ communities in the tech industry, and what we can do to deal with them. I definitely learnt a lot from the Women in Tech Festival 2021. It was also great to realise that we, 67 Bricks, are doing all the right things to be as diverse and inclusive a workplace as we can. I look forward to sharing more of my learnings with my colleagues.

The First 67 Bricks Architectural Kata

On the 13th of October, 67 Bricks held its first Architectural Kata as an opportunity for developers to practice and experience architectural design. Ted Neward, the original creator of architectural katas, puts forward the argument for them quite succinctly:

  “So how are we supposed to get great architects, if

  they only get the chance to architect fewer than

  a half-dozen times in their career?”

Ted Neward

The kata exercise was quite simple to prepare for and run. Beforehand I picked a number of interesting katas from Neal Ford’s list, suitably anglicised them and prepared handouts for both online and in-person teams. Then on the day, it was a case of assigning everyone into teams and explaining the steps we’d be going through that day:

  1. Gather into teams and read through the assigned case study
  2. Discuss for the next 50 minutes and come up with an architecture, making sure to document any assumptions. Teams could ask me questions about the case study and I’d happily provide extra detail
  3. Each team would then take turns presenting their architecture to the other teams and fielding questions from them
  4. Finally a voting phase where everyone else gets the chance to show thumbs up/down/sideways to indicate how well they thought the presenting team did


As a technical consultancy, we are often involved in architectural design of systems we create or take part in creating. Each client is individual; they seek different opportunities, are subject to different constraints and have different technical strategies. It’s critical for 67 Bricks’ success to have skilled architects able to influence and design suitable systems. 

Though, how can we develop these skills? As Ted Neward identified, most only get a half-dozen tries at it over their career. While books, online courses and talks help, knowledge needs to be applied and feedback loops closed to truly improve. We’ve never tried an event like a Kata before and I was interested to see what we could learn from it.

Sharing ideas and learning from one another effectively can be a challenge for any organization and made all the harder thanks to COVID-19 prompting a rapid move to remote working. The exercise looked to provide a great opportunity for participants to meet and work with others they may not otherwise have the chance to.

Kata Afternoon

Initially I hoped to get some of the more experienced technical leads to kick off the afternoon by talking about how they architect systems. This proved difficult. Those who I spoke to either thought they didn’t know that much or didn’t feel like they could speak to an audience well about how to do architecture. As such these initial talks didn’t happen and raised a lot of questions around how to arm participants with enough knowhow to feel comfortable tackling the task. I fear this may have led to some teams struggling too much to learn and make effective progress.

Splitting teams took some thought, I wanted to be sure each team had a mix of experience and tried to aim for teams of individuals who haven’t worked together before. I’m glad I spent the time to do this, the Kata would not have had the same impact if everyone was in the same team they usually are (one of the Kata rules is to try and break up regular teams).

Running the actual Kata was reasonably straightforward, if a little awkward thanks to having to manage both online and an in-person group. Some online teams got stuck waiting for me to join their Zoom room to answer their questions. While the in-person group was easy to recognise if they needed a question answered or a nudge in the right direction. 

I tried to prepare some broader scope for each case study before the event in preparation for questions being asked, I quickly found myself having to improvise. I actually found this surprisingly fun. Some teams may have made things harder for themselves by asking too many detailed questions and trying to cover every single detail in their architecture.

The presentation phase had mixed results, some teams did a strong job and were able to present their ideas well, answer questions clearly and came up with really suitable architectures. Other teams struggled a bit more, both with coming up with a suitable architecture and being able to communicate it with everyone else.

Feedback and Lessons Learned

Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, lots of participants really enjoyed the experience. They liked working with different people and felt they learned a lot from one another about how they tackle this type of task.

I think aiming for mixed team compositions was good and allowed individuals to have interactions with colleagues they wouldn’t normally work with. I’ve had feedback a number of times that with the move to remote, developers felt a lot more insular in their teams and I hoped this gave a chance to break out of those groups.

Doing both in-person and remote teams did make running the Kata a little challenging. I felt that I couldn’t effectively keep an eye on all the teams making it tough to know when to nudge a team that may be getting a little stuck or provide an answer to a pressing question.

Next time I would look at including publishing consultants to act as clients. I perhaps enjoyed being a fickle client a little too much. Having a more dedicated individual to represent the client creates opportunities for encouraging more of a discussion, simulating something closer to the real world when we work with our clients. It would also make it easier to manage the event and our publishing consultants can gain some insight to the architecture process. 


Given the positive response, I would happily organise another Kata in the future. If you are thinking about running one for your own organisation, I would highly recommend it. It’s a great chance to meet and learn from other devs. I certainly learned a lot simply observing the various teams taking different approaches to their case studies and the variety of solutions they came up with.

The Trials and Tribulations of a Working Parent

I’ve worked in the science and technology sector for my whole career, starting off by completing a PhD in Physics, then migrating into computer modelling, and then into software development.  I had my son during the final year of my PhD (oh how naïve I was about how easy that would be) and then immediately hit the dilemma of “how are we going to pay for this?”

Students are not entitled to any kind of maternity leave or pay – when I made enquiries about this I was advised to quit my studies, which would have made me eligible for various benefits.  My department was much more accommodating and gave me four months paid maternity leave – something they were under no obligation to do.  I also managed to claim Maternity Allowance  (, because I had done some part-time maths lecturing which made me eligible.

When I made my first forays into real paid employment, I had to tackle the thorny issue of childcare.  Childminder or nursery?  Enlisting the grand-parents wasn’t an option, and neither was either myself or my husband becoming a stay-at-home parent.  We initially picked a nursery at my husband’s work-place, and then found one closer to home.  The fees were astronomical – larger than the mortgage – but we scraped by.  I had some comments (addressed to me, never to my husband) along the lines of “why bother having kids if you’re never going to see them?” which I shrugged off.

We timed having our second child so that we would not have two children in nursery at the same time for long – if nursery fees for one child were astronomical then double nursery fees were on a whole other level.  My employer at the time (not 67 Bricks, I should add) only offered the barest minimum maternity package, and so I could only afford to take four months’ maternity leave (my take-home pay went down to around £120 a week after the first 6-weeks of leave).  This was before the change in the law that would have allowed my husband to take some extended leave himself – when he requested to do so his employer said something along the lines of “you can do that when men start giving birth to babies”.

Despite the deficiencies in that company’s maternity policy, my immediate line manager was wonderfully accommodating.  He allowed me to have an arrangement where I worked in the office for about 5 hours a day and then completed the rest of my hours at home.  This enabled me to reduce the nursery hours from 9-4 rather than 8-6, and save money while spending more time with the kids.  He also gave me considerable flexibility around school holidays, and working from home on days when I had various child-related errands such as school plays, parent appointments etc.

Speaking of school, nobody ever tells you that having a school-age child is actually harder to fit a job around than having a nursery age child.  The school day ends at 3pm – and who is ready to finish work at 3pm???  Also, there are 13 weeks a year of school holidays to somehow cover.  At the time, the school did not have an after-school club (they started one up in later years) and so I had to find a child-minder who could do after-school pickups.  There was a holiday club at a school in the next village which I used – it was heavily sports-related, which my son in particular did not like, but I told him there was no choice and he had to go.

Over the next decade I went through various child-care arrangements, including nursery, childminders, after-school clubs, holiday clubs, and various forms of flexible working arrangement for both myself and my husband.  Our days were organised with military precision.  Drop the kids at school at 8:40.  Drive like a maniac to work, never being able to arrive earlier than 9:30.  And then having to leave at 5pm on the dot so that I could once more drive like a maniac to pick the kids up by 6pm or risk being fined (typically an immediate fine of £15 and then £10 for every extra 15 minutes you were late).  And the stress of sitting in a traffic jam on the motorway, watching the clock tick, wondering exactly how late I would be.  I changed jobs and my new line manager was equally wonderful – I was never quite able to complete my full hours during office-time, but he was perfectly fine with me making up time in the evenings.  And he never once quibbled when I said that I could not get in any earlier than 9:30, or stay any later than 5pm.

My kids are now in secondary school and make their own way to and from school, and are old enough to be left alone during school holidays.  Therefore I finally no longer have to worry about pick-ups, or astronomical childcare fees, and I don’t have to rush around like a loon trying to pick them up by a specific time.

The key takeaways from all this are:

  • Parents need flexibility.  We have schedules to meet, parents evenings and school plays to attend, and sometimes sick children to tend to.  Having an understanding manager who doesn’t watch the clock, and allows you to complete your working hours according to whatever pattern works, makes our lives so much easier.
  • Child-rearing is expensive.  Attractive maternity packages will improve your staff retention and employee satisfaction no end. The 67 Bricks maternity policy is better than many (Employees who have been here 2 years get 12 weeks on full pay and 12 weeks on half pay).
  • Dads need flexibility too.  For every dad who you allow to leave early to do a school run, there is probably a grateful mum who is able to get on with her own job without worry.  The number of dads standing at the school gate is getting bigger year-on-year.  When I was a child my dad was the only one at the gate, but these days it is much higher and that is only a good thing.  I have seen male colleagues experience discrimination in previous jobs, for example expressions of incredulity when they state an intention to take paternity leave.