Chris talked about things that he has learned from the new 3rd edition of the “Scala for the Impatient” book… that we received several months after Amazon had initially told us it would be delivered. He was impatient.
Chris discussed:
- String interpolation – while he knew about the s”” format for interpolating variables, he learned about the f”” prefix to do printf style interpolation, and that you can define your own string interpolation operators
- Scala ARM – provides resource management in a similar way to the try/resources construct in Java
- Renaming classes on import – while you might normally import individual files under different names, for example to deal with the clash between “Files” in Guava, and “Files” in Java, you can also import the whole of a package but block out an import with -> _ to avoid it conflicting.
- Values classes – you can use the AnyVal class when you’re wrapping a simple type – like wrapping an integer inside a class to make it strongly typed – and the compiler will not create a class
- Stream creation via functions – you can use the the #:: operator on streams to create a lazily evaluated stream based on a function. This is useful for all the times when you need to, for example, create an infinite sequence of Fibonacci numbers.
- The @Elidable annotation allows you to strip out methods at compile-time at particular levels – which potentially allows you to remove things like calls to logging in a production environment.
Then, Rodney talked about generic sorting and discrimination – the problem of sorting a list of things, such as a pack of cards. He talked about recent research on how to improve the traditional ways of sorting. Normally you might implement something like “Comparable” or “Equals” on your “Card” class – but that only gives you one way of ordering, whereas you might want to group your cards by number or by suit. Using just an equals method means that finding unique values in a set is hard – it takes O(N^2) comparisons, as you compare every item against every other item.
To improve this, “Discrimination” generalizes partitioning and sorting, and defines a language for doing this.
Rodney demonstrated sorting a pack of cards, using the bucket sort. If you have 52 buckets, then you can put each card in the right place on a table in linear time. If you have 13 buckets and don’t care about suit, you can sort the cards into buckets purely by value, as a linear operation. If you’re sorting an arbitrarily large list of integers, you just need a potentially infinite amount of buckets, stored in a potentially infinite amount of memory, and you can get linear time sorting – no problem…
The problem comes if you don’t have enough memory for all the buckets you want. However, if you have 2^32 numbers to sort, then you can split each into a pair of words, and then sort them all initially by the high word and then by the low word – using multiple bucket sorts where you only need 2^16 buckets not 2^32.
The language of ordering is a DSL that defines various ways of ordering – natural ordering puts things in their natural order; product ordering sorts by one feature such as the suit then another such as the number; sum ordering sorts by type such as whether the card is a joker or not.
You can use this generically by defining a discriminator for your type, such as a card, in terms of the language of ordering, and then you can apply the rules of sorting those terms to split the ordering into an appropriate sequence of buckets for your type, and this can be significantly more efficient than using a single bucket sort.
In conclusion, using a DSL is an effective technique for simplifying and solving problems, and we should use them more widely.