Tim B went to see Jon Skeet at the recent Oxford .NET talk. Jon Skeet is the most prolific and highly voted Stack Overflow contributor ever. He was talking about the plans for C# 8.
Jon Skeet mostly talked about nullable reference types – what will happen, and his opinions about them. C# has value types and reference types, similarly to Java. C# currently has nullable value types – so you can have int? to represent a nullable integer. In C# 8, there will be “nullable reference types”. This seems a little odd, since reference types are already nullable – but it is to change the default behaviour of reference types so the compiler will warn if null is assigned to a reference type. This is only a language level change, not a CLR change.
The compiler will attempt to identify when a nullable object is referenced – and it tries to do this cleverly, by checking for things like “xx != null” that mean that a null reference might be accessed.
There are other changes coming around pattern matching in switch statements – similar to the way that this works in Scala.
We discussed the way that the C# language is evolving compared to the way that Java is evolving. We agreed that the C# language maintainers were much more willing to make significant language changes, whereas Java has been much more focussed on backwards compatibility and a much slower evolution.
Following this, we discussed Kubernetes, and our experience with it.