All the trees!

We planted 192 trees this month!

This is part of our ongoing plan to be carbon negative – we wrote earlier about our plan to be carbon neutral, but we upgraded this a few months ago to instead be carbon negative. So, after working out how many trees would be needed to offset our server hosting (our single biggest source of CO2), we then multiplied it by ten to make sure that we were carbon negative.

One of the areas where trees have been planted on our behalf is:

Ever tried? Ever failed?

This week in the dev meeting we talked about failure.

The format we used was a Software Developers Anonymous meeting:

Start with: “Hello, my name is …. and I have failed”

And everyone cheers.

And then after that, you describe the failure and discuss it.

Unfortunately, most of the failures are too private to publish via our blog!

Among the things that we can repeat:

Stephen N talked about “The Meaning of Liff” – a book listing a number of placenames and definitions for them. One of these is “Ely” – the first tiniest inkling that something has gone wrong. Every one of Stephen’s failures has begun with an Ely – something that’s not quite right, something that’s a bit suspicious – and what he has now learned is that this is an indication that he should act immediately.

Alex talked about the importance of good coffee, and how a project he worked on had been saved from failure by the company installing (only two) good quality coffee machines, which made the teams work together while they were standing in the queue to get coffee.

Dan talked about a problem when he was working late on a server, and he rebooted it, and it didn’t come back. He reported this to his bosses at the time, and they didn’t blame him, but instead immediately went into damage limitation to deal with it, contact customers, and cope with the problem. It eventually turned out that the server was absolutely fine, but someone at the hosting company had disconnected the VT220 terminal from it and it refused to boot without it. The main lessons are – be careful when working on a live server, and when failure happens, deal with it well.

Dev meeting – Lightning Round! AWS Layers, Scala 3, becoming carbon neutral, and more

In our dev meeting this week, we had a “lightning round” where developers talked for up to 5 minutes each about a topic that interested them or that they had recently been working on.

Loic talked about “AWS Layers” – this is a way of sharing code across multiple lambdas. One advantage is that your turnaround cycle for lambdas can become faster, because you can just update the lambda, and the layer remains the same each time. This is very useful if you are pulling in lots of third-party libraries, such as in a Java library.

Velizar talked about Scala 3, which is due to be released in 2020. This is interesting to us because we use Scala 2 for a significant number of projects. Scala 3 has a nicer syntax. It removes implicits and replaces them with a number of different items. It will be “mostly” backwards-compatible, with the older syntax deprecated over time. The compiler will have LSP built-in, which means that support in VS.Code becomes much easier.

Reece talked about using fixed headers in HTML tables. There are various hacky ways of managing this to make the table body scrollable separately. The new way of doing this is to use a “position sticky” CSS class that can be added to the th elements, which allows the browser to sort out all of the problems. You need to be careful with z-indexes and transparent backgrounds to make sure that the header and body display correctly. Older browsers will not support this, but will gracefully degrade to a traditional non-scrolling header.

Nikolay talked about Razor parameters – if a parameter is set to null, then the entire parameter is removed, which is handy for setting attributes on HTML elements.

Dan talked about testing one of our client applications which is a Scala and JavaScript application for managing drugs. We have been updating an application that we wrote a few years ago to a newer system. To make sure that the migration is successful, Dan has added instrumentation code to the old system to quickly and easily generate test data. This instrumentation code makes it easier to carry out various developer-friendly actions in the old system, and then to download JSON from it. This is an ad-hoc way of creating 300 additional unit tests.

Bart talked about the AWS CloudFront CDN that we have been using for a client. We have been implementing a third-party user behaviour tool on top of the platform that we have created for them. In the test environment, this is tricky to test when working from home, because a home IP address is not included in the list of whitelisted IPs that are allowed access. It would be possible to configure our VPN so it forwarded all traffic from a home computer to CloudFront – but this affects all home users. The CDN itself has a very large number of IP addresses, so it’s not easy to list just the IPs that should be forwarded to it. He talked about setting up the default gateway on his Linux installation. Ultimately, he resolved the problem by whitelisting his home office IP address, because it’s relatively stable.

Rich talked about recruitment and recruiting developers better. He talked about becoming carbon neutral as a company, and how we should be socially responsible as a company. We have recently been talking internally about our company values, and being carbon neutral is a thing that we are all enthusiastic about (Sam, one of the directors, is currently with his children at Extinction Rebellion). We also talked about the work that we do for charities, and that we should perhaps advertise it more.

Finally, Ian talked about .NET Core 3, which is being launched next week. It has a number of new interesting features. However, it is not LTS, which will be coming out in version 3.1. Then Simon talked about Java 13, which was released yesterday.

Dev meeting – the Lead Dev conference

Chris went to the Lead Dev conference a few weeks ago. It is a single-track conference; there are many short talks, and there’s no need to choose between them.

There are four main areas that Chris focussed on: misc things; making teams work well; diversity and hiring; and operations. These are some of the talks he went to.

Nickolas Means told stories – this time about the building of the Eiffel Tower, and how it is relevant to software development. He talked about how to get things done – you need to do networking, self-promotion, and negotiation – better thought of as “making friends, telling stories, and co-operating”. He thinks that team leads shouldn’t be, um umbrellas entirely protecting a team from what’s going on in a business, but should instead be heat shields that reduce the impact of these things.

James Birnie talked about Quantum Cryptography, and how we should all be worried that governments can record encrypted network traffic now that can be decrypted in a few years.

Lara Hogan talked about dealing with friction in teams – “Forming”, “Storming”, “Norming” and “Performing”. When you feel under attack, you become defensive and you don’t make good decision. Instead, think about peoples’ core needs – Belonging, Improvement, Choice, Equality, Predictability, and Significance. If there are problems in a team, then it may be because one or more of these needs isn’t being met. Lara has several blog posts on these topics.

Paula Kennedy talked about Silence Isn’t Golden – how to deal with distributed teams. They had a weekly standup to discuss things inside and outside woek; a monthly retrospective to discuss team functioning; and having a regular “coffee break” meeting.

Bethan Vincent talked about increasing diversity in hiring. She discussed the issues with a fully anonymized process, which didn’t work very well for various reasons. She talked about the importance of plenty of information in job listings, and the issues of mandatory take home tests for people who have limited time available. We discussed this more, because this is an area where we’ve been putting in effort internally.

Kate Beard talked about 10% time at the FT, working on side projects, and its relevance to diversity. Without that, people who have limited free time outside work are not able to do side projects, which limits their learning opportunities and career development.

Ola Sitarska talked about diversity again. She discussed code review as an interview technique.

Steve Williams talked about teams performing in crisis situations. Companies don’t plan for business crises as well as they should. He discussed his experience volunteering for the RNLI. It’s important to think about appropriate roles and responsibilites; rituals to follow; carrying out exercises. He also talked about “SMEAC” – Situation/Scenario – Mission – Execution – Admin – Comms, where you’re thrown into a situation and then need to deal with it (also known as Five Paragraph Order). We talked about how you could arrange a communication process in the event of a disaster, and how to manage disaster recovery processes.

All of the conference sessions are available online.

Arrows, and outrageous fortune

Tim talked about arrow functions in JavaScript, and how “this” works with arrow functions. The behaviour of “this” differs between ES6 arrow functions, and traditional ES5 and before JS functions.

He suggested some rules of thumb:

  • Don’t use arrow functions as methods in object literals, because they do not pick up the scope from the object literal that you might expect
  • Don’t use arrow functions as methods in classes – it does work, but it’s more verbose than using the concise class method syntax
  • Do use arrow functions as function parameters – e.g. => this.doSomething(el)) is much clearer than using bind or assigning this to another variable outside the method
  • Be careful using “this” with an arrow function if you’re using JQuery – because JQuery reassigns “this”
  • Don’t use them in lifecycle functions in Vue – Vue reassigns “this” instead

We also talked about lambdas in TypeScript and in other languages.

Then, Ed talked about the past and future of programming, based on a talk he’d recently attended by Uncle Bob. He talked about the history of programming, using mercury delay lines for memory, and how the profile of what a “programmer” is has changed over time. Half of programmers have less than five years experience – so passing information on is harder than it used to be, and understanding the importance of disciplines such as TDD is less common. Uncle Bob thinks that a combination of lack of experience, and that programmers are managing increasingly important systems, means that there will be a disaster created by poor software in the near future. Uncle Bob suggests that more attention towards craftsmanship will help prevent this – the alternative being greater regulation of programmers.

We expressed many strong opinions on these topics.

Observability and hot reloading

Chris talked about “Observability”, based on an article he had been reading from Martin Fowler’s site ( This covers topics such as logging, analytics, and metrics. In the modern era of cloud servers, this is more complicated and more important than in old-style server setups. It’s a set of cross-cutting concerns, that you do not want to be obscuring your domain logic. Domain level logging and metrics are the interesting topic – low-level server level events are easy to handle – and if the domain level metrics are covered, then the low-level metrics are less important.

One approach for improving this is to pull out the domain logic into a focussed domain class, and then have a separate instrumentation class to deal with the metrics – a “domain probe” pattern. Testing the instrumentation is important, but is easy to ignore and hard to test if the logic for it is scattered around your code. Testing is easier if you break out the instrumentation into a separate class.

When you’re doing instrumentation, you typically care about other metadata apart from the domain values that are being passed around – such as request IDs, versions, etc. This can be wrapped up in an execution context – which you can perhaps retrieve via a factory. An alternative approach is an event-based approach, whereby you fire off events when events happen.

The article suggests that AOP isn’t the right tool to use for this, because AOP is typically at the method level, and the domain level importance of activities typically doesn’t match up totally with the method code structure. It also adds more magic, which is bad.

We discussed that this could be done with a decorator pattern, and we discussed the value of decorator patterns in value. In some projects we have used a similar approach in a decorator-like fashion. This does have the same issue as AOP that the important domain logic might not match up with the method level granularity, but doesn’t involve magic. We also discussed that the execution context could be passed around via implicits when using Scala, and agreed this was useful.

Alex talked about live reloading of Java and JavaScript. We want two things – that changing Java source code leads to immediate updates, and that changes to JavaScript lead to immediate page code updates. The approach he has been using is to run “gradle –build continuous” to continuously rebuild the source; and a separate gradle process to run the development server using those classes. Then, for the JavaScript, there’s a separate webpack instance that rebuilds the JavaScript and runs on a separate port with hot reload. There are CORS issues too that need to be overcome.

We also talked about using a similar approach here with Spring Boot devtools. We also discussed how to achieve the same results in Scala Play.

Dev meeting – 25th Jan – TCR, NativeScript, Tentai Show and XQuery for IDEA

Chris talked about “Test-Commit-Revert”, an idea from Kent Beck building on TDD. Kent Beck was using a process of “Test, Commit every time that all the tests pass”, so you are never left with a state where the tests used to work and you’re not quite sure why they stopped working. But the extreme extension to that is “Test-Commit-Revert” – commit when the test pass, but revert all your changes if the test fail! This forces you to have a very short commit cycle, making tiny incremental changes each time. It’s even more interesting if you doing it in a team, and everyone is doing this simultaneously, as you each do tiny commits and then build on top of each others changes. Chris (and Kent Beck) aren’t suggesting that we do this all the time, but it’s an interesting idea that makes you think about how your development cycle works.

Alex talked about NativeScript – a way of writing code for mobile devices from VueJS. It isn’t just a web browser shell – it’s very fast. It doesn’t use HTML – instead, it uses “NativeXML” which has a lot more control over Android-style layout. There is a very good short project as the introduction, which is a great place to start and walks through all the basics. Alex showed us a very simple chunk of Vue code and NativeXML that produced a simple application. There is code in his Github account at He recommends it highly for mobile development (the only issues are with the general complexity of the Android ecosystem). We discussed how easy it would be to convert an existing VueJS app to NativeScript – not that easy, since it doesn’t use HTML.

Chris also talked about some code that he wrote over Christmas to solve a Japanese puzzle called “Tentai Show” – this is apparently a pun around astronomy and rotational symmetry. There is a grid of squares, containing stars that are in a corner or in the centre; and you need to divide up this grid into jigsaw pieces that have rotational symmetry. There is an example at Chris wrote a solver for this in Scala, on his Github at

Reece then talked about his XQuery plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. This is available from the JetBrains plugin repository at It supports XQuery 1.0, 3.0, and 3, also with support for MarkLogic and BaseX extensions. At present, he’s working on splitting out the XPath support from XQuery – so the features of his plugin can also be used in XSLT as well. He has already got Run Configurations working for a range of processors including Saxon and MarkLogic, so you can specify which query processor it uses. It’s already the best XQuery plugin available – but there is also a huge set of additional features that he is working on!

Nullable references in C#

Tim B went to see Jon Skeet at the recent Oxford .NET talk. Jon Skeet is the most prolific and highly voted Stack Overflow contributor ever. He was talking about the plans for C# 8.

Jon Skeet mostly talked about nullable reference types – what will happen, and his opinions about them. C# has value types and reference types, similarly to Java. C# currently has nullable value types – so you can have int? to represent a nullable integer. In C# 8, there will be “nullable reference types”. This seems a little odd, since reference types are already nullable – but it is to change the default behaviour of reference types so the compiler will warn if null is assigned to a reference type. This is only a language level change, not a CLR change.

The compiler will attempt to identify when a nullable object is referenced – and it tries to do this cleverly, by checking for things like “xx != null” that mean that a null reference might be accessed.

There are other changes coming around pattern matching in switch statements – similar to the way that this works in Scala.

We discussed the way that the C# language is evolving compared to the way that Java is evolving. We agreed that the C# language maintainers were much more willing to make significant language changes, whereas Java has been much more focussed on backwards compatibility and a much slower evolution.

Following this, we discussed Kubernetes, and our experience with it.

Testing Test Driven Development

In our dev meeting, we discussed Test Driven Development. So, of course, we did it TDD-style: we started off by asking whether everyone knew what TDD is; and then testing that; and then asking more questions about TDD until we got a failing test – i.e. several people who didn’t know. Then we updated our knowledge of TDD until we didn’t have a failing test, and iterated…

We agreed that there are many benefits to using TDD, of which “ending up with a working test suite” is only the most obvious:

  • Allows incremental development, so you are able to run the code as you’re going along
  • Provides documentation for how the code works
  • Helps you to get a feel for how the code will work as you’re writing the test
  • Proves safety, confidence, and a greater ability to refactor
  • Writing a test beforehand means that you are forced to have a failing test
  • Forces a different mindset – because you’re thinking about your design and API as you write
  • Helps you concentrate on what’s relevant to the task at hand, rather than doing unnecessary work
  • Encapsulates features nicely – encourages better organization
  • Helps keep focussed on the problem, and keeping the solution simple, rather than solving unimportant problems

But, we concluded that while many of us used TDD for some of the time, it wasn’t true that all of us were using TDD for all of the time. So, given all these great things about TDD, why aren’t we using TDD for everything?

  • We’re lazy
  • It takes longer to get to a result – longer term benefits but a short term cost
  • Not as good if you’re exploring
  • Some types of test are hard to write
  • Slow feedback loop for some types of test – e.g. some integration tests
  • Limited framework support
  • Working in an existing codebase that has been developed without TDD
  • Working with frameworks that have been written without testing in mind – particularly older frameworks
  • Working in very data-heavy projects, based on mutable source data
  • TDD is a bit less useful when the language is more focussed on the problem domain (e.g. C#) rather than more focussed on technical issues (like C++)

We discussed the level that we were “pure” in our application of TDD – whether we were always using a strict, Kent Beck approved “write the most minimal test, write a dumb implementation that just passes that test, then add more tests and refactor”. We concluded that we mostly weren’t – the range of TDD-like approaches that we use are:

  • Pure
  • Use a hybrid approach – write some minimal tests, write a real implementation, and extend the tests to cover edge cases
  • Write TDD-style  when it will actively speed up implementing a feature due to better turnaround time
  • Write out the specs first, and then implement the code based on that –
  • Write tests to help the code reviewer understand what’s been written: sometimes before writing the code, and sometimes after

We discussed a potential pitfall we had sometimes hit with TDD – that sometimes it is tempting to keep hammering at the code until the tests pass, rather than to step back from it to reconsider the overall strategy.

In conclusion – we use TDD a lot of the time, but we tend to use hybrid approaches rather than a strict pure approach.

Nothing to fear except hackfear itself

Nikolay talked about the #HACKFEAR hackathon  that he had recently been to. It was organized by Karen Palmer, a film maker and parkour practitioner. She is interested in fear – Parkour is at its essence about fear management. She discussed a future in which technology has gone bad – for example, if you wanted by the police and you get into an automated car, it will take you straight to the police station and instead wants to use technology to help guide and empower people.

She has an art piece called “Riot” – which is a webcam watching you, while watching a video, and attempting to identify the emotion that you’re portraying using a neural network. If you show “appropriate” responses for the situation, then the video progresses; if you show inappropriate responses, then the video ends and you have as many attempts as you need.

At the hack, most of the hacking was about concepts, rather than fully working products. Nikolay’s group looked at fear of public speaking; taking the technology from Riot to analyze your posture and speech (e.g. how much you say ‘um’) to help provide feedback on your speaking.

Another team used a VR system to analyze your emotions and show you “scary” things, as exposure therapy to them. other teams that tackledmanagement of memory loss, fear of self expression as well as fear management through journals or improvenent of communication for early school-leavers.

We also discussed other types of fear, such as writers’ block, and acrophobia; and the difference between climbing a ladder, versus jumping off a cliff with a paragliding harness attached. While the latter should be scarier, it’s not, because you know that you have a harness.

Karen Palmer has TED talks about this topic.